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Everything posted by 3dd

  1. 3dd

    Heatsink Or Tnn

    Get a life - get a grind! (10/10) Phat or (9/10) lgms.
  2. FInish Line is probably best, took my king apart when it was skipping when just bought it, cleaned it and lubed with a bit of this oil. Don't put too much though!
  3. We are off to Lodnon, if you be there on your trials bike, by mistake, give me a call (07933848360)
  4. Me and few other friends going to ride London on sunday, we will be at slopped walls around 11-11.30 So please join us!
  5. 3dd


    Yes, It is because I am not english and I got used to brakes this way, at least non of my friends can ride it properly but me And Yes it is a king, I am running snail cam on one side, asked tarty 1st, also noticed that stan was using one with his hydroxx, I realised 2 would not fit into the frame anyway. 1 is more than enough, just need to squizee the wheel in a bit harder when putting into drop outs. Works a treat! I also had to make the hole bigger in the snail cam to fit the 12mm fat king bolt. And Meh gogz, I had to try it.
  6. Great riding, got to love those rocks! Where are those exactly?
  7. 3dd


    F That! It said it was about 900g... I think I got one of those then, because its fairly heavy! Need to change back one ASAP! Later Edit. Just weight my bike on proper scales - 10.2kg And I am happy again!
  8. 3dd


    NO, the trick is, you weight your self and yourself with a bike, and then substract. But somewhat I think it is not exact...
  9. I just thought the same! Is that zhi? What do you think of the frame? Horizontal drop out for the win. We both moved on with our LE's Also liking the riding, that you transfered your street skills into some more trialsy stuff, which I like to see! Good work!
  10. 3dd

    Barrow Farm Video 2

    Great video, but i would say you look a lot more impressive when watching you ride live. And Yes, Barrow Farm, great place!
  11. Nice video, prety entertaining too!
  12. 3dd


    I might come London on Sunday.
  13. 3dd


    Nice video, I loved the 1st move the guy done, got some skills!
  14. 3dd


    Well my scales might be wrong, I just weight myself 68kg and then bike and myself 79kg. I dont know what is so heavy, i know it shouldn't be! My Gu LE was about 9.7kg with echo forks, try-all ones are about 200g heavier. Front tyre is about 680g and 1kg for the back one, so tyres are fairly light.
  15. 3dd


    Got new frame and forks last friday, finaly got it built up, had a ride on sunday in trials park in Barrow farm, unfortunately did not take any rding pics but it was amazing. So here it is, my stinger, might cut forks a bit lower though. Also a bit heavy at the moment 11kg, i think because I got some beasty tyres on it - nevegal 2.5 and 2.1 Riden it for 3 hours yesterday and finaly got used to it. Haven't riden for 3.5 weeks before that, so i was very impressed when I did a tap i would strugle on my old LE. So I fully agree to Ali C that longer do help, I can feel it, but I still don't understand how, because you would need to tuck lower? Frame also feels very stiff! Anyways want to thank tarty for sorting me out that quick as I know they were very busy last week. And I changed my marta that I used for a month maybe to a hope, 100x better! Love it! Next time I will take Adams advice and get hope straight away! Tip* always listen to Adam!
  16. I have got one, built it just today, it's a briliant frame, I havent riden for 3 weeks and I was impressed how easy it is to do some stuff, although need to get used to the chainstay length, as it is different to my old Gu Le which was hoping on back wheel by it self prety much! Will get some pics tomorrow maybe, so check it out!
  17. You noticed that there is not only benito in that video, right? He is left footed. he has been wearing that yellow helmet for 10 years now?
  18. Still dont understand why the hell would you gap down to front, lmao.
  19. 3dd

    Inur Solo Ride 2

    Great video Inur, I bet you spent quite a lot of time editing it and putting it together. And moving the tripod to different angles just for a move continuity. Very nice.
  20. Sweet, will try to reserve it if i can! woop woop!
  21. Darn! I want to buy one next week!
  22. I know that but, non in stock thought!
  23. So when will tarty have those, does anyone know? Hoping someone from tarty would answer.
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