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Everything posted by Sprog!

  1. ride losty today. Or have u still hurt your arm :P wb

  2. 25p!!! do the have them in any other colour by any chance? Looks lush by the way
  3. Sprog!

    Bike Stolen

    I'm looking on ebay now. If it is on ebay it would be something stupid like hopping bike or jump bike . good luck finding it
  4. I might come up on Bank holiday Monday
  5. Sorry but got in a big scrap with my mum, so got grounded :$
  6. yeah sorry forgot to post that:P Ok
  7. Short notice I know, but me, Alex Dark and Jake Norman will be there for the day. If you can make an appearence that would be great Lets say Bone Hill at 11:00ish Cheers Sporg Sprog
  8. Sprog!

    The Swine Thread

    well to be honest I don't think they are over exagerating about this becaus it's spread all over the world now..
  9. What bike do you ride?Zona Zip (Jakified) How long you been doing trials? less than a year What is your biggest flat to flat? 5and1/2ft What is your biggest sidehop?30cm hahaha What is your biggest drop?5 and 1/2ft natty or street?street!! Where is your favourite place to ride?Plymouth or a curb!!!!!
  10. You would think they are horrid on the first site but they are amazingly grippy, (but they do rip your hnds apart) but you get used to it really easy. and they never slip or slide. They are the old style pro grips.
  11. Sprog!

    PaRtZ 13

    did the guy at the end go wow and look at you and then crashed into the front 2 lol because it sounded like it.
  12. Very smooth. Nice style.
  13. The things on the video are way bigger than they look on the video believe me good riding matt
  14. THE CHEAP ONZA HUBS!! (i would of thought they would at least last a month)
  15. It's my dream frame if it were a different colour
  16. no orr I don't know the GEO (I don't even know my own GEO XD) Yeah it will be in the garage in a years time if you don't drop him a pm
  17. Sprog!

    Dan Jones

    nice video enjoyed that very much
  18. lol on the trampoline that is great fun
  19. I don't see why people wouldn't do it you get better hold, better bite and ofcourse a better noise.
  20. amazing video, amazing riding, amzing sidehops, AMAZING! congrats youv'e won the AMAZING award of 2009
  21. You have got to be proud of that bike!!!!! oh my god those cranks!! that is amazing!
  22. really liked them, good angles. Espiecally liked the middle 2
  23. My brother ('Ravemonkey' on forum) has his t-rex frame sitting in the garage gathering dust if you ask him he might consider selling it to you.
  24. Plymouth! miles away but worth it I think. Loads of natural by the seafront, lots of street, lots of riders good and bad, and lots more.
  25. Mod!!! because they are small
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