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Everything posted by Sprog!

  1. some good ideas there espiecally liking the food colouring idea basicly in our house (of many) we have a big tub/pot full of pancake mixture and when you feel like a pancake just go and chuck oe in the pan quite fun will try all the ideas mentioned :arabia:
  2. Reply quoting what you have put, putting onto your pancakes. Banana Melted Chocolate Spread Leomon evapourated milk sugar cream marshmelows Pictures? expecting some really creative, wierd toppings lads all the best. Sprog!
  3. maxxis26 (ryan) karsonlevoret (rich) Alex Dark Sprog! trialsmax04 Kieran craigjames luke Rainbird (maybe) casualjoe jake norman josh Ben johnson
  4. do you reckon if he bends that much his ass could end up behind his tyre and get stuck underneath his bike? emense!!
  5. i entered that. mine was a bit of a fail though well done did you win any money?
  6. oh right it just said onza.com in the title so i assumed.....but hey, i just brought a t-pro they are amazing dinky bikes
  7. definate improvement from your other videos, your sponsered by onza? keep it up
  8. cheers for that alex (Y) :)
  9. just a question from Darky how do you keep your graphics in mint condition, as on alex's they rub off because of your leg rubbing against it?
  10. ooooohhhh can't wait till I get mine. Looks lush.
  11. Sprog!

    Braunschweig - Easter 2008

    absoloutly loved that, massive riding, what's the mod riders name? does he have any other videos of himself? thankyou so much for uploading, my favourite vid I have ever watched (Y)
  12. Sprog!

    Snow Video

    I only ever get cold fingures and toes yeah why didn't you put the clip of my sidehop bail crash thing my leg hurts 'twas my birthday so had nothing better to do
  14. Sprog!

    Luke peters echo

    you are well good for 2 months riding (Y) keep it up and you'll be really good soon (:
  15. I'm up for that if it's on the Sunday that is(Y) I'll bring the "Dark crewage" outage
  16. what bike do gay bikers buy? rockman manus :$ (no offence kieran )
  17. not sure if you can do it with the new onza forks but on mine i sanded down a nut and put it down in between the forks and the mounts and then screw the bolt into the nut looks good though
  18. how long you been riding? you have really good balance and control. Try to show you aswell as the bike in the clips good video
  19. I bet that rides a dream
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