some good ideas there
espiecally liking the food colouring idea
basicly in our house (of many) we have a big tub/pot full of pancake mixture and when you feel like a pancake just go and chuck oe in the pan quite fun
will try all the ideas mentioned :arabia:
Reply quoting what you have put, putting onto your pancakes.
Melted Chocolate Spread
evapourated milk
expecting some really creative, wierd toppings lads
all the best. Sprog!
absoloutly loved that, massive riding, what's the mod riders name? does he have any other videos of himself? thankyou so much for uploading, my favourite vid I have ever watched (Y)
I only ever get cold fingures and toes
yeah why didn't you put the clip of my sidehop bail crash thing my leg hurts
'twas my birthday so had nothing better to do
not sure if you can do it with the new onza forks but on mine i sanded down a nut and put it down in between the forks and the mounts and then screw the bolt into the nut looks good though