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Everything posted by duncshaw

  1. hey man that wouldhave been me! yeh freewheel blew up on me but manged to a new one fitted for the next show!was a pretty sweet weekend. crowds in dundee were well cool. dodnt realise dundee had a trials rider everyone we spoke to thought there wasnt any.
  2. duncshaw

    British Champs

    what were the elite results?
  3. I think one of the reasons many riders dont participate in comps is done to the fact that there is two governing bodies which causes alot of confusion. Back in 2007 this was a big factor in me deciding not to ride many competitions. It is something that has to be solved for the good of the sport. I think those organising while they do a great job in the actual organisation of the events need do think and do whats best for the sport. The future has to be more competitions in more accesible places such as Blackpool and Fort William World Cup then maybe we wil be talen more seriously.
  4. I think if everyone got together and did boycott the world championships not the world cup it might have an effect. In my opinion someone like sam oliver is likely to pick up some junior medals at the ucis in the next few years. british cycling will claim money based on the medals the whole gb cycling team but then wont give any of it to our top riders.
  5. ah those rocks bring back the memories! looks like you guys are getting pretty damm good! up tomorrow but not sure if ill be taking my bike but hopefully be up next week with car and bike!
  6. i just got an onza blade and it is riding awesome. i have ridden several koxx xtps and montys in the past and this rides as nice. For 150 pounds for the frame its immense and is pretty light too. will get pics up of the full build as soon as possible.
  7. Uber bump there ross! im well up for going there for a few days this summer! has to be done!
  8. getting good man!i am gonna be in inverness next week you up for riding! You can teach me how to side hop haha?
  9. sweet vid richard!did you have to do ben to get him to make it?
  10. hey man add me on msn about the bar and stem tried messaging you but doesnt work. duncan_shaw1@hotmail.com

  11. looking good man marc caisso spring to mind!
  12. hi mat emaybe i can help. i have a load of mod parts in the for sale section check it out. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....132526&st=0 could do you a good deal if you bought a few items.
  13. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  14. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  15. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  16. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  17. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  18. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  19. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  20. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  21. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  22. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  23. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

  24. duncshaw


    From the album: for sale

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