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About koxxlevel

  • Birthday 10/15/1986

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  • Real Name
    Jon Hodgkinson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    GU tp 08, with king rear hub, middleburn cranks, avid ulitmate disc, zoo bars, koxx rims with heatsink Bluberry pads.

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  • Location
    Mansfield, Notts.

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koxxlevel's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. koxxlevel

    Lets all wear silly tops

    Weekend ride to get ready for the summer.
  2. Thanks for all the comments. Sorry about the lack of helmets. Hopefully there should be a longer video with a bit bigger stuff on it coming soon.
  3. The bar are zoo and the rims are koxx.
  4. Here`s a video that me and bennett have put together from this weekend. Its only a short one, not really anything big, just warming up for the summer. Big thanks to Steve at heatsink for our bluberry pads. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Heatsinkbikes.com
  5. Its worth it, the butlers put a lot of time and effort in to it. Plus its a great day of riding.
  6. Me and bennett are coming sunday, we where getting a worried about it not going to happen as no one has said anything about it. Lets see if you can get on more people there this year its a great laugh and the ridings mint. Edit: sent my entries in.
  7. Its a hansventure tyre, really good. I still cant get over how low it is.
  8. I would thought i would share pics of my new bike. I love the way it rides cant get over how good it is. See what you think to it. Jon
  9. Anyone know the the post code of this place as my directional skills are pretty bad. Anyone need two for there team? Jon
  10. Took my wheel to be build up, as i didnt have time to do it myself. I gave him my wheel ( koxx rim with king ) and a new rim. I asked if he could change my rim as mine was egg shaped. He gave me a ring day after to say it was done. I went down to pick it up with the rest of my bike, got the wheel, went to fit it to my bike and noticed that my axle was in two pieces, b*****d had broke it. The funniest parts is that i went to him and said that he had broken it. He said that he hadnt even though i had only gone 3 step before i noticed it. I ended up arguing with guy and got a cheap hd axle in the end. Thats my little rant over feel better for that. Jon
  11. I agree with Muel, Dudwood is brilliant. Haven't been there in years though. Looking forward to the comps, gonna bring an observer this time! Jon
  12. That is beautifull, its so simple. Whats geo of that? Jon
  13. If your out later on i shall be out i think. Not ridden for a while, so a relaxed ride would be nice. Give us a ring later.
  14. Does anyone have a good idea where a nice place to ride in the midlands? Looking for street really, not to over the top though. I thought of leeds and Sheffield but i wondered if you lot had any better ideas. Thanks Jon
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