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About Bradderss

  • Birthday 11/25/1992

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    onza t-rex

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Trials Newbie

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  1. i think the moderators on here need to go on haa fukin pricks
  2. so i dont care trials forum is a pile of wank anyway shud go on a real site like
  3. your mum wasent complaining when i was boning her in the arse
  4. because, it wont let me sign in on my other account so i made another one.
  5. The best way to do them is having a run up lifting the front wheel slightly, Which is basically doing a long slow pedal hop with a slight touch by the frontwheel on the tip of the wall. This is a much more predictable technique and works best most of the times. Basic mistakes when doing a tap: Not bending knees before jump. Jumping too late. Pushing the bars in wrong angle. Not extending and following through. Not beeing able to jump/or hard enough. Half a stroke tap is a easier way but requires heavier gear, its easier because you dont have to calculate the stroke lenghts as much, and it might be easier to bend knees. But if your going uphill, or want to do a rear tap this is not a good way to do it. This method is best for street. 1 stroke tap is more common and seemed as "the right way", this is where you lift with your bad foot. It requires more calculation of when you are going to start pedaling, but everything are supposed to be done with short runup, so you SHOULD be pedaling the whole way . Because your pedaling all the way this is the best way to do uphill taps and rear wheel taps aswell. Basic tips on taps: Finish pedaling and then jump with both feets. Start jumping before your frontwheel hits. Push bars down and towards you. How you should tap varies from the object your climbing. Straight edge tap: Go for 1.5 stroke , here you have about 0.75 stroke to gain most of the speed, rest of the strokes is used more for the lift. Make sure you have bent legs all the way , your albows should only have a slight angle as you lift , this will give you more "room" to absorb the impact and to throw yourself forward. Your body should be tilting forward so your ready to hit the wall and push feets down, dont lay back, this will result in kicking the bike forward. So near straight arms and body tilt at forward. You are using both bad foot and good foot to lift the frontwheel. As you are finished pedaling you have to make sure you start jumping BEFORE you hit the frontwheel into the wall, rear tire should lift off the ground just as frontwheel hits wall. Jumping means basically that your straightning out your knees, this takes a certain amount of time, but as the frontwheel is tapped until it shoots up takes just about NO time at all. So its only logic you have to start jumping BEFORE you hit ! Pushing the bars in right direction is critical, do not push them away from you, this might create height but you wont land on top of the wall. Best is to basically pushing DOWN to create a good smack but not loosing too much speed, but as you have pushed DOWN you pull the towards you which will throw you longer forward and land more ontop of the wall. At times pulling the bars more towards you then down is a good thing, this is mostly if you have SLOW speed or your tapping objects like a fence. Hit the frontwheel "semi low" onto the wall , for best heights you need to hit it quite hard ! But this also stops you more, so the harder you hit the more SPEED you need to have. At great heights you might even try to "roll" up the wall just a little on frontwheel, REALLY hard on straight edges. As your flying up the wall you should be leaning forward and then pull the bike up under you as you tuck in. If the wall is very high you might want to try and "go to the side" , pick the side which suits you the best, i suggest right side for left footers. This technique should be planned so on the way up your already starting to go to the side, your landing with stretched out arms and ass on the side of the wheel, and then as your rear wheel has touched the ground you "twist" yourself and try to move your whole body and not just a mega tuck in. Because then your moving the center point of your body more forward and creating a stronger pivot point . Slainted surfaces: If you have a weak slaint you can fast get ALOT higher, because your frontwheel rolls easier up and your not loosing speed as fast , it doesnt go to a dead holdt. The more slaint you have the lower and harder you need/could hit with the frontwheel . Its also much more predictable. With slaint you can throw yourself and lean more forward If you have a medium slaint its time to think about REAR WHEEL TAPPING. Hitting the rear wheel can/will propel you higher and push you more forward. Still you should be finished pedaling before you jump, but you jump later and you pull bars more towards you, this will smack the rear wheel into the wall. But with a medium slaint your front wheel should also be smacked medium hard. Also on this kind of slaint and more slaint you should push yourself forward and try to "roll" up the wall on your front wheel as your laying forward , you are WAITING until you loose speed and THEN you tuck the bike under you. This is more a mototrials technique which works really well! If you have a big slaint you should focus more about only tapping the rear wheel, but not only that, you can also PEDAL on the bottom, this means that you can pedal further . So you should start later to pedal so cranks are NOT at the "right angle" as your hitting the wall, so your jumping and pedaling at the same time. You should throw yourself much more forward here as you hit then on other taps, get your weight onto the front wheel and roll up as you wait until you loose speed to tuck the bike in under you. Very logically is it that the harder you jump the higher you will get , the harder you smack frontwheel the higher you get. But It is more technique then how fast you can jump and how hard you can smack, The harder you jump/smack the harder the tap gets and the easier it is to f**k up. And the more bent legs you have the earlier you need to start jumping as it takes more time. There are also more ways to do taps, such as straight edge taps but you also use an object infront of the wall to propell your rear wheel more up. This is like a jump ONLY for rear wheel . You can not hit front wheel as hard here , otherwise you may lose a few teeth which will take your hansom looks away :]. sorry about spelling my spell check doesn't work on this computer. any more queries just add a reply. cheers brad
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