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Everything posted by mitchell

  1. Happy birthday :)

  2. im intrested if the koxx marco hoesel if its for sale still

  3. is that marco hosel still for sale

  4. mitchell

    Ross M - Stock vid 3!

    that is amazing riding
  5. hey guys, Thanks for t realy fast reponse. From the majority on here and from the rider i have asked i think i am gonna go for the black pro II or pro III but think i may get pro II incase i want to change to disk.But thanks guys. Mitchell..
  6. Did you ge full bike or just frame. Mitchell..
  7. thanks guys for all your replys. I didn't know if the deng hubs were my best bet as everyone seems to have such trouble with the back hubs. I dont know if the font ones are as bad as the back Although i have a zoo freehub and had no problems with mine at all. Yeah have heard the pro 2 was really good but i thought they don't do it in green. Thanks gys and keep them coming please. Mitchell..
  8. Hello there, right well i am looking for a new front wheel as my onza hub isn't working to well. I am wanting one to go with my back which is a green echo build.I will get a green echo rim to match the back but i am stuck on the hub, I am not bothered if it has disk mount or not. Preferably green or black hub would be looking to spend anything under £60. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks, Mitchell ;0
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it. Mitchel..
  10. yeah mate have to agree with him the stem is the only thing that it letting the bike down get a monty pr one my mate got one and it feels great on monty ti bars. Mitchell..
  11. i am 13 and got into trial good while back i got into it as i done motorbike trials and when i was at the compition for the motorbike trials one boy had a push trials bike and i found it cool so i got one for my christmas. Mitchell..
  12. r you able to ride yet with that leg

  13. Well mate how much you buying it for ? would help alot to see if it is worth it they have 108 engagement's but it is also make out of the same stuff as acs freewheels but i know i few people thta has it and havn't had any problems with it. Also how old the freehwheel is would help give any idea.well edit it and say how much your buying it for and how old it is and i will get back to you and tell you if i think it is worth it . Mitchell
  14. R.I.P dude you will be missed by all that knew you as a mate and a extremly good trials rider i really just can't get my head around it. We spoke a couple of times on msn and you seemed a really nice guy and can't believe your gone . Hope you go to a better place up there mate. Mitchell R.I.P BEAU
  15. Alright mate welcome to the forum, Im sorry to hear about your bike what a bummer it is well hope it is recovered by the police Mitchell
  16. Hey mate You guys should really buy helmets really need to ride trials with helmets. Other than that good video just try bigger things for next video mitchell
  17. Hello, thanks guys and yeah i am really looking forward to getting valadated i am liking it so far but it is annoying that i cant comment on videos but i realise why they do that well anyway thanks for posting Mitchell
  18. hello, That was really good video i enjoyed it and i love that song it's a beast i think you should get better camera though was'nt that clear in most of the clips but overall good video 4 thumbs up (Y)(Y) Mitchell
  19. Hey Yeah i seen that video a week or two ago, I thought it was nuts drops a house into a swimming pool that was amazing. Mitchell
  20. Well it is pretty staight forward but i am sure you could find somewhere online that will tell you how to do it as you can find out how to do anything on the web nowadays even how to peal a banana Mitchell
  21. that is mint bike mate really smart i think there is a little to much silver though but still really nice but the main thing is does it ride nice Mitchell
  22. hi there my first proper bike was my onza t-pro that i have just now it was really good for learning on due to it has decent brake and such like. T-comp are the same as t-pro so you should go for it and buy it. Mitchell
  23. hi craig are you riding tonight

  24. hello, my name is mitchell i have been riding for a couple of years now, I ride a onza t-pro and really enjoy riding with my mates. I have had this acount for a while now but this is my first time posting becuase never really knew how to do it until one of my mates showed me the other night. I have read over all the rules on trials forum and will try my best to stick by them.Well i hope to get valadated soon Thanks, Mitchell
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