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Everything posted by Lewis-Trials

  1. Stop dissing mine then, You started on a half decent bike like me didnt you, Oh yh the prototype thats had a million owners before you lol.
  2. Haaaa Haaa, Ive not had the bike for more than 3 month's yet, And i dont have a job so i pay for all my bits from other stuff, it's getting upgraded and when im better on a bike than (YOU), ill buy a nw frame and use the parts like your doing on my new frame. Only because you got so much time on your hands you nitromorsed it.
  3. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Middle guy looks the funniest, But them does Boothy.
  4. What you want for them bars Toby.
  5. This happened to me many times, Because the spacers were Onza shit and they kept coming out of shape, So i just bought 2 connected to each othe and its sorted my headset problems.
  6. So we got the normal Mr, And Mrs riding on sunday then, What time. 11.30-12.00 meet in square posts your names on the smallest notthing ride for jokes init yeah.
  7. You riding Sunday, and who we actual got like names.
  8. Did anyone say anything about riding Nottingham, Because i didnt know anything.
  9. You riding london then, How you getting there.
  10. Sounds awesome! But there's a Tyke Trial at Shipley Glen on the 1st March but Nottingham definitely sounds like the place to be that day! EDIT: The Tyke trial has now been rearranged for the following sunday (8th March)
  11. Why where did you go riding after we left, The girl's are the best CPO's.
  12. Hahahahaha, Now that what i was thinking.
  13. I prefer riding in a little group aswell, But dont like riding with Tobiarse because he gives a bad impression riding in town.
  14. hello where abouts you live, and what bike do you ride?

  15. I bet she likes the frame up the bum.
  16. I see your trying to get your puncuation correct now lol.
  17. Nive bike, What did you have before that.
  18. Yes please, Cheers jordan.
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