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Everything posted by Lewis-Trials

  1. Hello, As i went down keyworth skatepark, And there was this guy on an echo team, With gold bits on, Just wondering whether he guy i saw today was a member on the forum.
  2. If you have the bleeding kit, Just read the instructions on the avid website or as that guy said i follow the steps on youtube, And it works for me.
  3. As i said getting dropped of in mroning at 10, So what time is everyone else, My number is if anyone want's 07706149898, Text me and ill have your number then.
  4. No havent broken my collar bone, But i dislicated my hip, So my leg was left dangling out my socket. I had 6 weeks phsiotherapy, And got advice not to go on bike otherwise it would pop back out. 2 weeks hospital, 6 months wheel chair
  5. Yes im going to get dropped of at like 10, because dad got to do some other stuff so ill be first there, And ill have a red mohawk.
  6. Looks really nice mate, Hows it like to ride?
  7. I'm riding Chandler, Could you give me a link where and what it look'e like so i know where to get dropped off, And would you be able to give me a lift back.
  8. Cant you just put the pictures on and it automatically resizes it.
  9. poor tobiarse anyway the mystery is, what happened to Toby? I heard he drilled his frame, it broke, and then he went home before it even rained
  10. Was that you standing in the rain, Tobiarse.
  11. Right im going to get my bike sorted out, So ill text Chandler when im finished.
  12. Haha rude boy, Ill be having a chat with him, and tobiarse that was a let down.
  13. Welcome to the forum, you should be validated in less than no time with that Grammer and Puncuation, Good luck.
  14. Haha, erm ill have my bike hopefully done before 12, so ill be round Chandler hour at 11.30, Does anyone know if james is coming have you heard about him.
  15. Wish i rode today, Lol went to town to see some girls ( Chandler Cough Cough).
  16. I basically got them lol, Same size hole, What i need to do is drill the hole and then it should fit thanks anyway,
  17. Im not riding woop, Need to sort my chain tensioners out.
  18. Hello, i bought this echo wheel and Echo hub all together as one whole build, And i got home took my old wheel of and tryed to put this wheel in and this axle on the echo hub is much bigger than the t-master hub, So when i get it in it gets stuck now and then, But i got some chain tensioners that fitted my old wheel t-master hub so the axle is smaller, But i now need tensioners to fit the Echo size axel, Because the ones i got doesnt, Only 1 side fits then the other side doesnt because it got a bit bigger bit on the otherside, So do i file it down, Or is there any tensioners that i can use to fit the axle size and my frame. Cheers lewis
  19. Im using a Echo fixed hub 116mm in green and look's fresh and run's smooth aswel.
  20. This what happened to my Avid Juicy 5 on mountain bike, What it was is i freshly bled it and the same thing happened, So i did bled it again put the wheel in and in side the lever there that allen key screw that you need to screw in as mush as you want it, And it worked for me.
  21. Ill be riding sunday, just depends on whether i can get my wheel sorted and what not.
  22. Nice video, When i next go on a trip to cornwall ill have to bring my trials bike and come out riding with you lot, And what pads you using they loook like they hold super!!1
  23. I want that Zoo stem, And loving the old style white lined tyres.
  24. Why, Only because it's right next to your house, It will take me and Chandler atleast 20 mins from market sqaure, but i guess why not.
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