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Everything posted by bitemybutt

  1. Did he have a front puncture during that then? Looked flat at the end.
  2. Plymouth riding tomorrow! Yay, im going to be hungover. Good times.
  3. People have recently starting using 'natty' as a way of describing NATURAL riding. Is it really that hard to type an extra 2 letters and spell the actual word? What is there to be gained by shortening it! Also, it seems to have been started by some of the more influential people on the forum and then latched onto by everyone else. It's pointless, it sounds like something a chav would come up with and its just as bad as "s.i.d."!
  4. REALLY like the 24". Ditch the crummy seat and it would look awesome. Looks quite burly though, so maybe its designed to last longer than the ET used to?
  5. Thats completely daft. Either lose some weight or get a bit stronger. Either of those would be better than drilling a perfectly good frame and making it almost dangerous in the process. People who do this sort of thing really wind me up.
  6. I like the two colours on the frame, but not the design. Perhaps lose the three stripes? Got to say Echo's look v.nice in black though.
  7. Heavy duty doesn't come with fun bolts as standard. Mine came with QR adaptors in it. Definitely get the fun bolts if poss, as the adaptors can work loose unless you tighten them up properly.
  8. Lucky not to lose some teeth! I ordered some Zoo pads to replace my Rock ones last night, a wise move me thinks.......
  9. £499 is a lot for an unproven frame. I doubt people will gamble that much on a frame that light. It's a shame because had it been nearer £350 I could see it being very popular. Maybe the price will come down once its been out for a while (fingers crossed!)
  10. Brilliant. Im not just kissing ass here, but that was world class street riding. The were so many moves that I wasn't expecting and I really thought the were no more impressive lines to be had in Bristol. Another thing is that the video is 4:50s long, yet I didn't get bored. Thats rare and the only other rider that makes videos like that is Danny Macaskill or Neil Tunnicliffe. P.S. the wire ride??!!!!??? f**k ALMIGHTY!
  11. Absolutely gorgeous! The full bike pic in the link looks wicked too. Any ideas on price or where to get them from?
  12. No, sorry mate. You're definitely a twat. And with views like that, probably American too.
  13. Very nice. Don't have a seat on there though. It looks better with a mini seat on, plus a bulky saddle WILL affect your riding and get in the way etc. Don't follow the trend just because it's deemed fashionable by people who seem to think every bike thats meant for street needs a seat.
  14. Terrible. Im all for people designing original stuff, but when it looks like that you wonder what they were thinking. Gap in the market for someone to create some normal looking footwear!
  15. Illdisposed. Specifically 'Jeff'. look them up on itunes etc
  16. Damn impressive. Only problem is that your vids tend to have similiar moves ie big gaps, hooks etc so it was nice to see some variation on them, like the hook up the fence and the rail gap on the crossing.
  17. In relation to Ryan's problem: You're young by the sounds of it, so just move on. If you are that convinced she's going to cheat on you then the's something up with the relationship. Plus, you need to enjoy being young and doing the things YOU want to do. I've just come out of a 5 year relationship (since I was 18) and f**k ME the is so much I missed out on because of it. If you are worried about making a decision, just go with your gut instinct. Don't waste your life being miserable like you are at the moment
  18. Good job. Looks quite 'bulky' though.
  19. It's nice to see a pro actually messing about with different moves rather than the 'nothing but TGS' style of Hermance/Coustellier etc. Really liked the gap to front with the pivot round and that hook was immense!
  20. Don't know if this will encourage anyone else to come, but i'll be bringing my camera out to get some footage.
  21. I'll come out saturday, but not Sunday if you fancy changing days?
  22. He's a bit good non? Nice video, with some good lines in it.
  23. I've got to say I rode Hope hubs for years no problems, then went to using Kings. It made very little difference to my riding, if any at all. I think when it comes to engagement points the higher the numbers get, the harder it is to notice any difference. In my opinion, Halo are using the EP's to sell the hub, ie the WOW factor. People have tried to out-do Chris King before (RB designs etc) and not succeeded. It will be interesting to see how well they perform (if anyone is feeling daring enough to buy one!).
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