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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to be invisible? Sky Dive
  2. Gonna get you banned for sexism On youtube, Omgsss, 401,224 views?!
  3. What the hell at the news thing. How many bloody replies, this has to be the fastest topic to ever become a 'Hot Topic'. Seriously though, that 360 out the treeee
  4. My Meow Meow, Littlewoods (believe it or not, his mum was called Argos): Dylan the Chihuahua: Maisy the Chihuahua: Dylan and Maisy together, just so you can see how small they are (: Shame the picture of them together is black and white really. And Forteh, same with my baba, he's half Russian Blue and half moggy...
  5. Holy shittt, our cats look uncannily alike. I will get a picture soon.
  6. http://mybrute.com/team/1919 click. bottom left hand corner it says something like - "join this clan". CLICK THEREEEE! (:
  7. Who're youu? And I beat Hendrix
  8. Joined the clan: hs_xo Someone fight me. I'm bored.
  9. Had to commentttt again, can't stop watching it, unreal
  10. Duuuude. I like it, alot. Looks smarttt!
  11. WTFFFF SAV Is it you? Go fight Krisss
  12. I beat Danny, http://hsxo.mybrute.com/fight/55198010 and he didn't like it; so, he made me fight Kris: http://hsxo.mybrute.com/fight/55201092. I did try and stop him from clicking the fight button. Edit: And he made me lose against Kennard. We're over; http://hsxo.mybrute.com/fight/55213817
  13. Danny asked me to post up his character aswell (: http://dannykearns.mybrute.com
  14. Fight me for lolz. http://hsxo.mybrute.com I lose pretty much every time, but hey, it's fun Edit: Whoever Ozonys is got shit all over http://hsxo.mybrute.com/fight/47819124
  15. What's the song? Wasn't really enough for a teaser tbhhh
  16. Same as me, haa. 3 fights a day is shit though
  17. And even if it doesn't work he can turn round and think - "Hell, at least I didn't walk away knowing I hadn't done all I could." Push yourself to the limits Dave, no girl will EVER take back her ex unless you've proven just how much you love her...
  18. Take it she broke up with you? Turn up at her house, with a fat arse boquet of flowers, a box of chocolate and a bottle of her favourite perfume. Don't look like you've been up all night crying over her.
  19. Who believed in Evolution before Darwin proved it? Who's to say that in years to come, proof of God will become? You can call me stupid for believing in God, but I can call you stupid for not believing. Like you've said, it's all personal opinion, and it's as though you're calling my religion a load of bollocks and shunning me for believing in the presence of God. I feel alot better living life thinking at the end of it, something good will happen and I'm not just going to be skull-f**ked by maggots. I like the idea of Heaven and peace; if there really is no after-life, then I'm not going to know about it, am I? I don't care, who and who doesn't believe in the big man in the sky, but I don't like being condoned for believing. I'm happy being Christian, I'm happy with my beliefs.
  20. You've really shitted me over this time If the sinner has truly repented, then all his sins have been washed away and forgotten. From a Christian view, God's children were born with free-will, and if you choose to abuse that then you must fully show you know you have done wrong and you are truly sorry. I'm not God, I can and cannot say who gets in and who doesn't And yes, I believe in Evolution and God. Evolution = Science. God = Creation Story.
  21. Like I said, I believe in Evolution, but I believe in God aswell.
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