I can only imagine the amount of time you spent thinking of other ways to badly injure somebody without the use of a knife. Edit: A pencil or a compass? Just imagine this scene: Some uber brap in a flat peak and stolen tracksuit from JJB's approaches you, it's dark, there's no one around and you're scared, he could have a gun, one of these new anti-stab knives, anything, and you know unless you run you're going to die. He's a foot from you, he reaches into his inside jacket pocket for his weapon of choice, your heart's beating so fast you can hear it and it feels like it's going to pounce out of your chest at any given second. You see it, it glistens in the moonlight, the sharp pointed object in his hand, he lunges for you, it pierces your skin, he runs away and you look down, you feel the blood dripping from your chest and then you realise, it's okay, he's only pierced 5mm into your chest with a compass.