Ha, that reminds me of the time I smashed the chandelier with the wii remote whilst playing tennis. Smacked my sister in the head with it aswell, she looked like she'd been hit in head by a lorry going 80mph it was that bruised. I'm good at breaking things, normally expensive things like the chandelier, expensive crystal champagne glasses, the floor to ceiling mirror in the utility room, about 10 pairs of straightners, a desktop pc that didn't belong to me, 2 laptops, my mum's antique vase, so on and so forth. Body wise, I can't even count the amount of bones I've broken, but I'll try... Erm, about 4 ribs, fractured sternum, arms, legs, collar bone, fractured skull, nose, fractured jaw bone, fractured coccyx twice, fingers, toes, pretty much my entire body. Yes, I'm a natural blonde.