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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Managed to get money for petrol for Nicholassss. I'll be there See you'll tomorrrrrrowwww xxx
  2. I can't make it Stupid college demanding so much money. Argh.
  3. I'm getting problems with the facebook chat, sending messages, posts showing in a chronological order and being able to click on notifactions.
  4. Edit: OOOOH, I do love Derren Brown (L)
  5. Promise! Me and Revolver were discussing the new system over MSN, and I said - "I can guarantee people will start validating spammers soon." (:
  6. Some pictures would help, so would telling people exactly where it was taken from, when, etc, might help aid in a safe return. Hope you get it back, anyway.
  7. Is it wrong to enjoy listening to this?
  8. Yeah, I really do enjoy waking up by the thoughts of peoples limbs being severed from their torso.
  9. Yeah, happens to me all the time. I keep dreaming I'm in Saw. It's all Danny's fault.
  10. That was super enjoyable Song fitted well aswell. Nice find! (:
  11. That makes it 1am on a Saturday morning, OBM
  12. I jsut spotted it and tried using it, said I wasn't allowed it's gone now though!
  13. I really hope that wasn't indicating me, boy. Whoever sleeps in a bed with Danny, I wish you luck. He snores so loud he wakes himself up, chatters his teeth, has conversations and sings to himself and sleeps diagonally across the bed, so you get a mere 1/4 it. You get the idea.
  14. Nicest one I've seen so far to be honest! Looks well nice Dave!
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