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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Just a note worth taking - if you're buying a Giro and you know what size you need then there's a couple of proper shops on ebay that sell them at bargain prices
  2. Chit Chat's my second home. How I have 4 squares, I'll never know.
  3. Butter Menthol, because she's worth it.
  4. Have you never heard of it? It's the new in thing...
  5. As always. Although, you're half right. You can get jonnies free from family planning centres
  6. Why would it matter if he gave her the £££ or not? The pill's free...
  7. Wiki... Oh, and you don't need to post in NMC - you're a full member.
  8. Hannah Shucksmith


    Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. I think they thought I was alone, since you wouldn't have been able to see Danny from the road.
  10. Completely off topic... Reminds me of New Years eve last year. Me and Danny were walking to his sisters at about 9pm along the main road. The path isn't very well lit and there's a long row of bushes separating the path from the school. Danny was walking closest to the bushes and I imagine the shadows of the bushes meant he was pretty much unseeable from the road, I was walking closest to the road meaning I would have been visable. Anyway, a Vauxhall Cavalier comes speeding along the road and slows down right next to me and Danny, we just carried on walking. 4 men get out the car - 3 from the back and 1 from the passenger door. I notice one of the men is carrying a metal object in is hand, my guess is it's a knife. Feeling a bit insecure I ask Danny to move round to the other side of me, closer to the men. As he does so, I'm pushed into the shadows and he'd then be visable to the men. The second Danny's in the light the men all turn round, run and jump back in the cars before pulling away... Anyway, I couldn't.
  11. What's she into and what's your budget?
  12. I was debating arguing that Ugg's are actually damn good quality...
  13. I'm not much for natural but that was pretty enjoyable! And as for that hook at the end...
  14. Danny said if you're 13 stone then you're obviously carrying alot of muscle. He said you might wanna put some podge on aswell...
  15. Danny's sat on the sofa playing the Playstation, so I'm just typing what he's telling... "Basically, first lesson's just kept simple; general fitness and that. Different trainers and different gyms mean different levels of progression. When I went to my first MMA class I was 10, I found it challenging mentally and physically. On my first lesson I did general fitness and all that, on the second lesson is when I started learning the basics. I never went to the gym whilst I was going to classes but I built up alot of muscle. I found a strict diet of protein and carbs really helped with my progression. I attended classes for 7 years before quitting. What's your height / build / weight?"
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