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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Even when I'm in the shittest of moods, Laurence--Trials never fails to amuse me. He's honestly the only idiot I don't want banned. Laurence--Trials for mod, amirite?
  2. About 5 inches overnight in Winchester last night, I'll get some pictures up when I return...
  3. Meh, I'm reading about the West's...
  4. Tell me about it, it's disturbingly interesting... I went through a faze where I was dead interested in it
  5. Some sort of death? That's a new one... Fecking massive, so what if he dropped into water? Boyz got gutz.
  6. We counted a box of 129 unopened and in date (surpringly) box of assorted Walkers Crisps. Good times.
  7. ...and if you're lucky enough, you'll find some stock worth stealing - a massive box of mars planets, unsealed with no mouse / rat holes in? Yes please!
  8. The graphics are pretty cool but the font looks damn gay, it's pretty generic and just looks like a typical Microsoft font. In my opinion it'll be a bad idea for Rockman to duplicate the frame and sell it in the charcoal / green as the silver works well with the in-detail graphics. Most (or all...) of the standard Rockman frames are colourful and it'll be a good idea for them to produce a frame that caters for riders who prefer the not so in-your-face look of a bike. Without the colour the frame still looks eyecatching and simplistic without being too bland.
  9. Welcome to Trials-Forum, I take it you havn't been here long?
  10. I very much doubt it was the bump - probably the fact you felt the need to create a whole new topic because that one got closed.
  11. I R not mod. Seriously though, you'd have thought you'd have learned your lesson; you got warned and downgraded to a pre-member for making obviously pointless topics that to be fair no one really gives a shit about, so why on earth are you still posting topics that no one really gives a shit about? If you were warned and downgraded then there's no doubt your topics / posts have been reported by numerous members and a moderator's finally given up and decided you're quite obviously not worthy of being a full member. You start new topics because the old ones you more than likely 'bumped' got closed and then you moan about living up to the consequences of being a twat. Mistakes. Learn.
  12. Snowing pretty heavy here in comparison to how it's been recently; we've got about 2 inches
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