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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Got about 5 inches of snow in Stoke last night, I'll post up pictures when I'm not on the phoneeee.
  2. Didn't he say he told them to deliver it to his neighbours, but instead they left a note?
  3. Got an inch of snowwww here today. Bummer.
  4. Stawberries, honey and sugar! (L)
  5. He's being serious. Best to PM a mod asking for them to enable you to post pictures
  6. I have no recolletion of posting the above.
  7. noo rea;;y :L i'm just waiting for dannyto get here
  8. i havnt njust got in but f**k me am i drunl. i'm waiting for danny to arive lmao
  9. MOARNEEEEEN. Free house for a week, just said bye to everyone
  10. Danny and me are pretty long distance and I know someone who was in a relationship with a wench from America for 3 years or so.
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