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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. I'm guessing that post was regarding my one up there somewhere. Firstly, I don't vote - I'm too young. Secondly, I was only airing my views relating to PeanuckleJive's previous post about Gordon Brown running the country. Edit: I didn't mean to sound that shitty either
  2. Agreed. David Cameron > Gordon Brown.
  3. Not all of it's bad parenting! I'm sure most people on here who smoke and drink etc did so before the legal age. Besides, a lot of people are getting served for age rated products without being ID'd these days. I've been served cigarettes and alcohol in your Somerfield before and I can get into most clubs and that no sweat these days. The parenting only really comes into play with the cliché examples in my opinion, and other than that I think parenting only really influences you a little bit. I know I was taught to be a good little Catholic girl and that didn't really happen.
  4. One vote for a compulsory thread on minging videos on every forum on the internet. That'll fix it...
  5. Dear all, Goodnight. Sincerely, Hannah Shucksmith.
  6. What? I've read that sentence like, more times over that I can remember now and I've no idea what the hell you've just said. Edit: I'm quoting that shit for reference.
  7. I struggle to find the hilarity in the highlighted sentence.
  8. Meet Dexter, he's a 4 day old Chihuahua pup:
  9. Muel, if he wanted a comeback he' d have wiped it off your mums face. Edit: FU DOUBLE POST.
  10. Yeah the swelling's gone down drastically overnight so I'm not too worried now. Thankssss!
  11. I swear he was blacklisted a while back? Or have I been seeing things
  12. Yeah I'm just using Savlon spray on a cotton bud and salt water. It's still mega sore and swollen though
  13. Tah bbz. I had mine done 2 days ago and the swellings not gone down at all from what I can see. The dude who did it put in a long bar and said to go back in 10 days and he'll replace it with a shorter one It's more than long enough from what I can see. Thankwoo.
  14. Anyone who's had their lip done - How long did it take for your swelling to do down? My lower lip is fat as ¬_¬
  15. Got my lip done in the end, which makes 7 piercings now (:
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