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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Painful? Like, on a level of 1 - 10? 1 being nowt...
  2. Anyone had the nape of their neck pierced? Want some insight...
  3. Doesn't look like it's f**king getting you anywhere.
  4. What the bloody hell was that?!
  5. hehe, yeahhh i did see! i troll chitchat on an hourly basis! :P didn't see your first comment :) thanks anyway ducky! x

  6. I said werewolfery, not necrophilia.
  7. Sounds more like a bad case of werewolfery to me.
  8. I've done that, twice Camera's not that old, I bought it around September last year.
  9. Apparently I can't sleep. Let the drawing commence!
  10. ...Screw waiting for the knobber. I'm heading to bed.
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