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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. just pinged an elastic band into my face. owwww!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dannytrialskid
    3. Hannah Shucksmith

      Hannah Shucksmith

      i was nomming on it ha, pulled it from my gob and let go without thinking. proper slapped me one.

    4. dannytrialskid
  2. Kewl. Really didn't like the intro though - got bored and skipped through to the actual riding.
  3. Aye, repost it is so. Amusing though.
  4. There's a shop on eBay that sell brand new ones. Big power seller. Really can't be bothered to find the link though.
  5. Don't those frames have a weight limit? Looking lush Tris!
  6. Probably not, I very much doubt the kid was forced into laying there whilst Danny rode his face. Anyway, Apparently the kid got a go on Danny's bike after. Oh man, I wish Danny would land on my head.
  7. Watching Underage & Pregnant this evening and Danny McBean's girlfriend had been filmed for the show as she was carrying his child when he passed away. You can see the video hereee. Thought I'd share it with the rest of the TF lot (: RIP x
  8. Red looks pretty sweet compared to the generic green. I like it.
  9. You're 12. Babies are given by storks and girls have cooties.
  10. Even I, with an IQ lower than a bogey, figured that one out
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