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Hannah Shucksmith

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Hannah Shucksmith last won the day on September 19 2011

Hannah Shucksmith had the most liked content!

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    I have an 05 Zoo! Python sat in my living room. I might actually get around to riding it again one day.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. I have a bike... but it's a Pashley Princess. Also managed to get myself a job but am now on Maternity Leave... erm... mortgaged... I feel old
  2. Ooh that's me, I'm a lurker! Mainly anon and mainly videos / chit-chat. Never post b/c married & baby etc etc etc. *changed rarely post to never post*
  3. ooh a status

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hannah Shucksmith

      Hannah Shucksmith

      Thank you DrStix. I am a married mother to be! Ooh yeah I'm friends with Dan. We are Seat fwends!

    3. isitafox


      Official trials wench

    4. Hannah Shucksmith

      Hannah Shucksmith

      Sort of. Ex trials wench!

  4. Doctor's legally can't tell your family or friends or next of kin etc, and it's the only way you can really get any help; they are always first port of call, and often advise to to take prescribed anti depressants etc to lessen the intensity of your thoughts. There are different avenues that your doctor should go down in order to get you 'help' - usually just a referral to a Community Mental Health Team. If you tell a doctor that you have a plan (i.e. a time and date and place) to take your own life then they should contact a Crisis team who will come out to you immediately or at least within 24hrs. There are ways to get through and past self harm. I always found distraction helped me, and being with other people. Also, planning my day to be as full as possible so there was no available opportunity in which to self harm. The reason for self harm is different for everyone - punishment, emotional release, the list is huge. The point is that you need to discover why you want to / do self harm in order to over come it. With self harm comes immediate 'satisfaction' but years down the line you'll regret the end result. Talk to someone. x
  5. Stranger, what are you doing back?!

    1. Hannah Shucksmith

      Hannah Shucksmith

      I never left really. I just float around the place from time to time! All grown up now, me.

  6. Got to be real. It'd be pretty difficult to replicate that clot...
  7. Lose weight - mission accomplished! Next years resolution is undecided. Hmm...
  8. I'll rate mine in 2 parts Beginning until July was absolute hell. July onwards has been incredible, about an 8/10. I've dropped nearly 5st, moved to a stable home, got a job, overcome a lot of issues... Sorted my life out
  9. Waiting until we get a shed to build it back up. Can't ride at the moment anyway!
  10. Yeah, just ended up getting a shorter stem and now it's all good. Can't ride at the moment which is a shame so it's in pieces under the stairs. Not good.
  11. Isn't it like 100% warn = instaban? I dunno, something like that. Warn comes off when the almighty powers choose to take it off. I think. Again.
  12. I clicked on RSQ again before noticing this thread and went into meltdown mode when I thought my internet broke
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