I don't really go on here anymore but needed to vent somewhere. A guy screwed me over when buying a bike (not on here) e.g didn't post it when he said he did, bike was utterly f***** when it arrived even though it was described as 'mint' so spent more than i wanted fixing it and didn't contact me after numerous complaints. So decided to sell it as I don't ride it as much as I would like. Whilst looking up some info on the bike I found out that it is older than he said it was, which has really p***** me off as I thought I had finished all the bad news with that bike. Plus my lady friend has decided I don't exist anymore, I have naff all money atm, the weather is crap, I feel quite lonely and I'm not sure if I'm liking uni. I am usually quite chilled and don't get annoyed easily but all this has built up over the last couple of weeks and is getting to me bad and I don't know what to do.