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Everything posted by rich4130

  1. rich4130


    Just given it another wash, loads of fairy liquid, and a kettle and scouring pad, I may rinse it off again actually with cold water as well after its dried. I think i'll have to re-grind it, ah well new wheel coming anyday, I'l leave it.
  2. I remember it being from some irish mailorder place, not CRC/Bikedock etc! Got a good deal If i recall right, something like £200 for frame/fork/headset/cranks/bb !
  3. rich4130


    Evening, I'm really getting sick of this, my brake is absoultly perfect most of the time, but I rode in a dusty place earlier, and it has gone absoultly shit. This was happening a lot, so I gave my rim a VERY light grind to take the anodising coating off, but now, its starting again. The pads turn black with ingrounnd dirt, and just slips like black pads. Setup, Plaz CRV on Aircorp rim. Anyways I can get it to return to normal? I've cleaned the rim, with fairly liquid, filed down the pads abit, wiped everything down, but its still shite. I don't really want to have to re-grind everytime this happens.. sorry for another boring brake pad/slip moaning topic haha >_<
  4. Most definetly. I'll make a new one sometime soon, and makesure that nobody posts apart from with a video link.
  5. It doesn't help the fact that he's on here to like 3AM :blink:
  6. I done summat like this last week and got a front pinch, just check the forks, get pashleys if your really concerned.
  7. Yea i have scary veins too, they rule :blink:
  8. I was wondering, how many have been sold? and how many of these are no err dead? I counted 15 off just like that, so there can't be that many? Me Mike Juds 2 Jon shrews 2 Sharn Jon quickspider Mitch Dan fitzpatric Dan slyfield 2 3 in leeds? blue one luis guernsey the dude? tim pratt james 666 guy umm any more?
  9. If thats a stagecoach, sling ole frank in one of the locker things at the side/back of the bus (Y)
  10. Leave the ruddy thing alone and ride it (Y) I cant see it being particully nice whatever way to be honest!
  11. Bikedock. Have a look on southerndownhill forum, you can get a few quid off if you put SDH-Member or something in there order notes box thingy, I got mine for £22 or so posted I think. There good tyres, quite a shock if you've been running something thin light and hard, like a Choir boy lite, but I'd never go back, well maybe in the summer for a bit, there 1150g btw. rich
  12. Don't be fooled into thinking that 24" are that short, I cant see them being much shorter than the Leeson/Norco that you had hehe, I'm a titch, I actually found mine quite long after some saracen I had before haha. Do what sharn done if your concerned (Y)
  13. I need to get another. I've got a TSG, but it doesnt fit, evenm with max padding its loose on the sides and looks silly so i never wear it much. What pisspot would fit better? Pro-tec? (Y)
  14. Yea, curb/pavement, I should have said hehe, anything goes really, can't really see the point in rules with a bit of fun (Y) OK Deadline, few people have asked for it to be extended, so I'l say, 21st of May? But if you've done yours, post it up, so then theres something to watch, please don't get all serious haha.
  15. I've been trying already.. Manual into curb, to x-up blunt, 180 out to manual, to hop to manual on path on other side, nearly got it :)" well
  16. Yea, but that comp had lots of expensive prized, and the video's were 5x longer, its only a bit of fun. Umm yea good point. Whatever curb you want really, then again, I suppose you could find a curb with like a kicker up to it or something, yea anything you want.
  17. It would be good if it was in Abingdon, fromm my selfish point of view :lol:
  18. oh, i've not seen these (yea really :)) Nobody enter these haha.
  19. Yea, its just like a goldtec one, my dad made it me when I mangeled a spider and asked him if he could fix it, kinda evolved identical as a goldtec one, even though I didnt know they existed hehe. Either get a goldtec one, or get a Macneil 25t bash, run like 20t at the back, be nice, what Luis has on his ET.
  20. Evening all, i'm not sure this isn't a stupid idea, but I'll post all the same. How does a little video competition sound, but you only allowed to ride on a curb? 1 min long or so, as for it not to get too boring/repative.. Is anybody interested? rich Details Deadline: 21st May. But Post before if there finished :) stops me getting bored hehe. Length: Around 60sec, but If you can keep it good, as long as you'd like! Definition of curbs: Whatever curb you can find, within reason, so yes that means going up to the new posh estate near you with huuge curbs. Can use other 'road furniture' e.g. manual down the white lines to bunnyhop gap to a curb etc. Try and keep it just to this though, I (and many other guys) live in the middle of nowhere so won't have the best curbs haha. Prize Mars Bar, Possibly kingsize, depending on how generous I'm feeling :) No Cash Alternative.
  21. could be more ginger glow, i may be there... :)
  22. You can mix and match from diffferent bits etc, what I did, shame i've never used any of it.... :-
  23. rich4130

    New Shoes

    My dad always used to use babyoil in his work booty things to soften them up, not sure how it'd work on those though, might just be a leather thing.
  24. Don't use cad, no need. Just get yourself a load of cheap mild steel to start with, shaping tubes is much harder that you would think hehe.
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