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Everything posted by rich4130

  1. rich4130

    New Stem?

    I have a set of Azonic Singlewalls and a Thomson 90mm/15deg rise stem on mine. I say get rid of the bar and and stem, and get your self some risers (azonic/easton) and a nice 90mm stem with plenty of rise (Kore/thomson) Feel much better. Hope that helped! Rich
  2. Other: Koostop new harder ones, I like.
  3. Who ever suggested Plazmatic on the rear for manuels is umm (Y)" For the front: Koolstop cartridge ones, orange and black, not sure on details but there seriously great. Rear: New style koolstops, on a grind, they do hold, I use tar often too.
  4. For a DMR Revolver on an Aircorp (ERD 488mm) it was 238mm each side, may be of some use, you can fiddle about with the erd's to work it out. Rich.
  5. You must be super hardcore to need anything other than a normal tube with a maxxis mike! I just use normal ones, the Nokians I've had are good, mine are quite old I think though.
  6. Ooh I like this.. Ashton ET24 £150 Azonic Singlewalls £2.21 from ebay about 6 months ago, still using them. Thompson stem mint for £20 And just a min ago I got a pro-tec helmet from ebay for £3. Ebay is good.
  7. Search for the lyrics on google like everybody else.
  8. 39" Ashton Edd Tongue 24" Pashley Forks Pig Headset Tioga Comp 3 front tyre Thomson 90/15deg stem Azonic Singlewalls 2" well far forward. 20mm stackers May make it even higher, they ride much nicer.
  9. Cheers Tom, So I need..? ADSL Modem Router 1 Network Card (got one already) Cable wise, I'll need: One from modem to router? And 2x from router to the PC's? What is the cable called from modem to router? from router to Pc's is just normal ethernet cable? Thanks.
  10. Its to share a broadband connection, the only reason. How does the modem bit work with just a cross over cable thingy? cheers.
  11. Over your Eno, I can't imagain there is many, especially not a cheap one, maybe a few gramms lighter, but thats about it. Go Freewheel.
  12. Just buy something cheap 2nd hand then, Shimano Deore/521 off here, I can't see it costing any more than £20.
  13. Hey, we want to setup two computers on one broabband connection, nothing fancy, just cheap, what would I need to do it? Just some network cards, a router thingy, modem and a few cables? What would be the best stuff to get, and the best place to get it all from? I'm not very good with this sort of thing. Needs to be as cheap as possible, 'cos I'm paying hehe. cheers lads. rich.
  14. Sounds good to me, I run a rear freewheel hub, DMR Revolver, which is basically the same as a bmx screw on type, just 135mm spacing and its great. Get a light race bmx hub I would say, 10mm axels, sorted. Rich.
  15. 170 seconded. Middleburns are also good to get 2nd hand, they last forever, just make sure the tapers/threads are good, which you know already I bet.. I say get square taper, unless you snap lots of BB axels, in which case get ISIS.
  16. Umm maybe because 'they' whoever your reffering to, not really sure, obviously have much more intelligence than you do.. I Think the only round here is you... (I bet I spelt intelligence wrong, thus making me look silly)
  17. I'd just get the normal slic to be honest, couldnt tell the dfifference between the two, and the linear one is a pain in the arse when its getting old and all the wire bits running lengthways along the cable fray and your trying to get it into a noodle, and there £4 more expensive. Go Slic.
  18. Matt, Get in contact with bikedock, where I got mine from feburary time, try the guy on southerndownhill forum, Geoff I think it is might be able to sort you out, I got discount on mine. They wear out well fast though. The 2.5" ones are pretty fat, probably about the same as a 2.3 Tioga, 2.7" ones are pretty massive.
  19. rich4130


    Maybe he hasn't been on TF over the weekend? God I'm way more slack than that, clam down (Y)
  20. I was trying fronthooks with a pallet and I was finding it much harder actualy bunnyhopping into it while covering the frontbrake (something I never usually do) I tried just going uber fast and bunnyhopping as high as possible and got it yo bash, I find covering the brake gives me less confidence as I can't hold on to he bars as well, I assumed it was because I ran without one for ages, but maybe I'm not alone..
  21. That was amazing. I'll be having one, get on with it. haha.
  22. Glue it back in, either with Superglue, or araldite. Sorted really.
  23. Please don't! They weight around 1700g, otherwise known as well heavy.. I'm not sure about sus legth forks, but I think Echo Pure forks are around 420mm long?
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