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Everything posted by sstein

  1. sstein


    I don't think that it really matters that much, as long as you set the tension up right and your not a weight weenie then one spoke is just as good as the next. If you really want to change your spokes though, go for something colourful just because they always look great.
  2. I have tried loads and loads of different levers and my favourite two are the Shimano Deore levers as they are so stiff, smooth and strong. However the best lever I have used is the avid SD7, the speed dial seems unnesecary but it makes a huge difference on well set up V-brakes
  3. I resent that, I work in Halfords Bikehut and I am yet to find something I couldn't fix
  4. A well set up v-brake can quite easily match the power of any disc and can even stop you as well as a reasonably well set up maggie. I have a v front and maggie rear. I have the front maggie, I just prefer v brakes (would use v rear but not enough power with one finger for pedal kicks unless you use something like XT v-brakes).
  5. I haven't really had any bad accidents. My most feared is chain snap, last time it happened I was riding on a ledge and the chain just snapped for some reason, I lost balance and fell sideways off the ledge but did no real damage.
  6. As someone who still has lots to learn about trials, I agree with what people say about needing a good brake to learn on, however I recently rode my friends BMX with crap U-brakes and guess what... I could still ride. If I can hop all over the place with U-brakes then there is absolutely no reason a better rider shouldn't be able to still ride well with slighlty worse pads, etc...
  7. I just bought a new rear wheel, as I mangled my old one and while I was waiting for it to come I was wondering what people's opinions of Alex DX32 rims was. All opinions welcome!
  8. I would get some new brakes for my muck-around bike so I could ride it for trials as well and them be happy with that. I spend a fortune on it anyway.
  9. The more trials look is the XC style lid, however do you care that much about whether other people see you as being really up on trials fashion.
  10. I used to use XC style and it does keep you mucch cooler, however the BMX style offer better protection and a longer life. You have to replace XC style helmets after every knock as the foam crumples, howver the polycarbonate outer shell on pisspots protects the foam from damage unless it is a bad crash when the foam breaks anyway to protect your skull. After I broke my XC lid I went to pisspots and never looked back.
  11. I can only do about 18", but I do not use a pedal kick to boost my heigth, that height is the result of pure brut force. I know it is crap but I have only been riding trials for a couple of months.
  12. I have to disagree with you there, V brakes can be set up however you feel either with great modulation or just instant power bit, try a lever like an avid one with a modulation adjuster on it, it really works.
  13. I tried that except the nut that the TPA bolt screws into that is housed inside the lever is ruined and I can not find a new one. I tried to bodge it with a normal nut and bolt but I can't get the nut to stay in place.
  14. sstein

    Retro T-rex

    I ride the blue and silver one with planet X forks and truvativ cranks. It is a lovely frame.
  15. Everyone has their own choice when it comes to BB style choice. Square taper is in no way stronger and it is much easier to ruin the fitting however it is cheaper and the bearings last longer. Isis is much stronger but the bearings are to small and are easily ruined. I personally use the Truvativ Howitzer Isis system, it weighs a ton but it is super strong, ultra reliable and relatively cheap, but each person has to make the choice for themselves, never ride with anything just because someone else says that it is right.
  16. It doesn't really matter what gear ration you use as long as you feel comfertable using it. I personally use 22:12 or 1.83 gearing and I find this fine, before you choose a gear setup think about these things : -How far will you ride inbetween spots; -Can you do the tricks you want easily with the setup you use; -What do you feel comfertable with. Never ride with gearing that you are unused to just because someone told you it is right.
  17. I have looked on tarty bikes for a new lever or tpa adjuster but they only do post 05 levers, etc.. does anyone know where I can get stuff for a pre 05 master cylinder
  18. Ride with whatever trainers you find comfy, just don't use converse plimsole style shoes as cages cut right through the soles in about 5 minutes literally.
  19. I had the same problem when I learnt how to do high bunnyhops and you are right, it is all to do with technique. Try moving your feet slightly over on the pedals. Until you sort out your technique try ziptying a peice of sponge to the area of your crank that you keep hitting.
  20. The gearing that you run is a really personal choice and other people do not always have the best answer for this sort of thing, for trials it is adviseable to have a rather low speed/high acceleration gearing to allow pedal kicks and the like but just how low is up to you. Some things to remember when choosing gearing are: -How far you will ride in between spots. -The style of riding that you are doing. -What you feel comfertable riding with (this is the most important) Singlespeed is great as there are less things to go wrong with it, however gears allow you to change ratios depending on what you need at the time. I personally run a 22:18 singlespeed set up with 175mm cranks, this may seem odd to some people but it is what I feel comfertable with so it is what I use. Just try to find what is right for you and not what some one else uses.
  21. Hi, does anybody know where I can get a new lever blade for my magura HS33 with pre-05 master cylinder, the TPA adjuster on mine does not work and the lever does not push the main piston until it has moved about 1cm. Also has anyone else had a problem with slow returning pistons. I know it does not need rebleeding as I just bled it, I will re-hose it if any one thinks that it migh help. All advice is welcome.
  22. I am fairly new to trials, but I have improved massively lately and I thought that tips from someone who has just learnt something would be best, after learning to balance it is helpful to learn hopping on the back wheel: -Start off by doing a small endo with both brakes locked and then throw your weight backwards, this should get you onto the backwheel. -As you feel yourself start to fall back pull the bike towards you hard, this will cause you to hop backwards and land on the back wheel. -When you land loosen up your body and let yours legs absorb the impact and you body move to keep the balance point. -Keep practicing until you can get at least three or four of these continuously, when you can do this you will find it easy to learn the next step. -Try again but this time when you get on the back wheel try to stand up straighter and pull the bars closer to your body, try this along with smaller hops. This will allow you to hop on the back wheel but stay in the same place. Sorry if you are already past this point as this may have sounded a little bit patronising but it might help any other begginers.
  23. Brakes need bleeding when they start to feel spongey or not hook up as well as they should (althought that could be down to pad wear and alignment also). Local bike shops do generally tend to do a terable job when bleeding as it gets rushed a lot, so it is well worth learning to bleed brakes yourself. It is very easy even though it may seem confusing at first you will never regret learning how to do it as it will save a fortune in labour costs. Finslly I feel that it is important to let you know that brakes need bleeding if they have air / not enough fluid in them but also if the fluid in them has boiled from hard use and needs repalcing, this is the most common on maguras. P.s. the reason that maguras get air in them if you use the tpa rather than adjusting their position is because the pistons are out further so there is a lot less contact with the seals.
  24. I just bought one (onza t-rex) so give me about a week and I'll help you out a little bit
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