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Everything posted by sstein

  1. come on people I need someone to ride with
  2. I use the tryall 108.9 and that works pretty well for me, pretty hard to get use to that many engagement points though when you are use to shit hubs.
  3. I happen to love the frame actually. SO smooth, but needs better parts.
  4. My friend and I are riding london on the 19th if you wan to join us.
  5. Matt GersteinLove to see this as an olympic sport along with Mountain bike 4X, don't see why not, there is BMX racing.
  6. sstein


    same but with alien instead. That combined with my total lack of common sense.
  7. I don't want to destroy the tensile, so I will get a new booster. I am merely asking peoples views on two bolt boosters.
  8. I use a tensile 4 bolt booster and I am getting annoyed that I can't fit my pads in without cutting them down. Would you say that a two bolt booster is good enough? I know that power will be Ok but will my frame break because all the stress will be on the lower bolts?
  9. gussets prosecutors. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=17780
  10. I made a concoction of apple juice, hairspray and pepsi, them put it in a spay can. Worked quite well.
  11. I used the 20 and the serrated ring inside the main body came loose. Don't use if you value your life.
  12. about 18miles in one day on my trials bike, about 30-40miles on my dirt jump bike.
  13. I will let people i know from the skatepark on my bike, but any chavs I say "no, you are not going any where near my bike" even in they are a big bas***d. I let a drunk guy have a go once, he rode in a circle and then fell off.
  14. You can get one of these tolls for around £13 so it might be worth getting yourself one.
  15. magix movie maker, but try zs4, it's free and good
  16. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....&hl=holroyd
  17. sstein

    What Hub?

    can anyone recomemd a decent 32h 116mm hub? Basically my czar freehub stopped working, the serrated ring in the main body came loose.
  18. I'm 17 and been doing trials about 2 months.
  19. There is an attachment for drills that is a circular disc made of wires. Haven't tried it on a frame, but worked amazingly on a booster.
  20. not to sure how you reached that conclusion.
  21. I normally run about 20psi in the rear but I have been flatting a lot lately so I am trying 40psi at the moment. Not to bad once you get use to it, just a lot less grip.
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