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Everything posted by sstein

  1. my number is 07515533868 if anyone is coming.
  2. london tommorow? anyone? please?
  3. Matt Gerstein 24/7 Holroyd Watford
  4. Truvativ bb with 170mm cranks works well for me, but you have to find your own preference. You will however get used to whatever you ride.
  5. I would love to but I have work. Maybe a diiferent saturday. I'm probably just going to ride london now as no one can show me around southend. should have some peole to ride with later on any way.
  6. I use a tescos inner and outer £3.48 for the set and work perfectly
  7. I use cooking oil, feals exactly same as maggie blood but costs £0.75 for 2 litres.
  8. Pointless me coming up if no one can ride. Might as well just go to london.
  9. Come on. Will nobody ride? I'm sooooo bored. I will jus end up in london again.
  10. get a cheap 20" bmx wheel and pull it back more. for around £20 it will give something to ride.
  11. Even if no one can come out for a long time, can some one come out for an hour on two in the mourning just to show me around.
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