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Everything posted by sstein

  1. i use these, they are the most powerful pads that I have ever used, however the level of noise that they create is just insane, and no it does not just need to settle in they are like this the whole time.
  2. sstein

    Front Brake

    I am after a really powerful front brake with no modulation at all. At the moment i am using a avid vee with plaz pads and it is the most powerful brake ever, I can go at full speed with my weight right over the rear and just touching the lever will send me flying. The only problem is that it is way to loud, and by this I mean that it is louder than bus brakes. My ground, heavily tarred rear maggy doesn't even compare. What I am looking for is a front disc that can be set up as powerful as a vee. I have used avids (juicys all versions, code 5) and they are crap, hopes are ok not sure how great they are though as i've only used them for about 5 minutes. I would quite like a cable brake. What are the avids like? Know they are good but what is the power like? Surprisingly the most powerful disc I have used was an under cared for tectro io that hud rusted up, ultra powerful but get crap when you service them (just like they are when new). Anyone who has any advice please help? I will take all sensible suggestions. My brake will cause me to ride a diffent style of bike in the end as riding about 15 miles in a day with the bike like this bugs the hell out of me!
  3. This sounds a lot like cable bang. Loads of people get it and everyone thinks it is the headset. Cable tie the rear break hose to the headtube just above the lower cup so that it can't move when the bars are turned and this sound should either stop or get a lot quieter.
  4. Go for something sprung as they generally tend to run smoother and be easier to set up, if you do go for fixed then steer well clear of the dmr sts as it is truly crap and just bends like cheese, I honestly don't know why they are so popular. Try and build your own 74kings esque tensioner, they really are quite simple.
  5. Thats a bit of an exageration isn't it. A better thing to say would be just that it would fit.
  6. With the price you will spend on upgrades, why not just get a better bike than the bird.
  7. if it is still not working post some pics so we can see what the problem is. Are you using the correct hosing.
  8. Go for maggies, they are ultra reliable and work perfectly, might be worth changing to a deng lever, but that is down to personal preference.
  9. you need to tighten the bolt up more so it properly crimps the olive on. First though cut off about 1cm from the end of the hose, incase there is any damage causing the olive not to sit properly.
  10. agreed. it might need a re-bleed though.
  11. Just out of interst hopes first mod hub, is it going to be freewheel or freehub. I would say so many people would buy 116mm pro 2 freehubs.
  12. Similar sort of tubing to the to the millyard racing frame and as far as I know that is a nice bike to ride. I know it is totally different before anyone points out the obvious, but there must be some reason so many people opt for that style of tubing when making there own frame.
  13. First of all don't use loctite with helicoils or anything that works in a similar way as it will decrease the holdingforce because the coil will only be clamping a soft material rather than metal. As for what to do, i'm sure a local engineering firm will fill and drill the hole for around £10, which would solve all of your problems. Also if you phone argos cycles they may be able to just change the mounts on your bike. Failing that get a normal nut for an m5 bolt, drill the top 2mm of the whole on the mount just slightly smaller than the nut, then hammer that b*stard in. If you use some stong adhesive around the nut and don't overtime too much it should be fine. I once rode for a week with a bolt on each side of the mounts not actually in the frame at all, just used the nut to clamp the mounts closed. Worked fine.
  14. finish your bike so I have someone to push me.

  15. sstein


    still rides quite a lot but I think he is injured at the moment. In a couple of weeks we should have at least one or two other riders.
  16. I'm sure any mild steel spokes would so you well!
  17. sstein


    I ride most of the time.
  18. sstein


    Sounds like the same guy.
  19. would but it snapped in the middle of the nut, so now I need to find one the right size that I can wedge in the lever.
  20. Want to ride comps, but there are none near me and even if there were I am always busy.
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