I am after a really powerful front brake with no modulation at all. At the moment i am using a avid vee with plaz pads and it is the most powerful brake ever, I can go at full speed with my weight right over the rear and just touching the lever will send me flying. The only problem is that it is way to loud, and by this I mean that it is louder than bus brakes. My ground, heavily tarred rear maggy doesn't even compare. What I am looking for is a front disc that can be set up as powerful as a vee. I have used avids (juicys all versions, code 5) and they are crap, hopes are ok not sure how great they are though as i've only used them for about 5 minutes. I would quite like a cable brake. What are the avids like? Know they are good but what is the power like? Surprisingly the most powerful disc I have used was an under cared for tectro io that hud rusted up, ultra powerful but get crap when you service them (just like they are when new). Anyone who has any advice please help? I will take all sensible suggestions. My brake will cause me to ride a diffent style of bike in the end as riding about 15 miles in a day with the bike like this bugs the hell out of me!