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Everything posted by sstein

  1. When I started I rode my mountain bike for downhill, trials, street/park, etc... and that weighs about 19kg. That is what you need a tank!
  2. For what reason? Do you want to run LHD? To be honest it would make no difference at all unlike BMX where slipping out of a grind or not hitting it perfect will brake pretty much your whole drivetrain
  3. This way you can get closer to destroying your rim everytime you spill something on it! If you don't already have a grind it might be a good idea to try as your braking power will increase, but to clean it use disc brake cleaner (or nail varnish remover) sprayed onto the rim and keep wiping it off and repeating until you feel that it is all clean. Then file your pads a bit.
  4. No, that was the third time in the same place. That was not too bad, the first time I ended up having to go to hospital.
  5. They never answer the phone anymore. Send them an angry e-mail and they will sort it out straight away.
  6. sstein

    Yaabaa 649

    What happened to riding stock? Mods are for gays
  7. Infuture use a search or check the wiki but here you go.
  8. They look fine, what bike you got. Middleburns and a rear freewheel suit my bike anyway. check out this!
  9. Stock or 24" rule. Mod is for fags (just joking)
  10. I use a rear freewheel on my modstock, but I CBA to get pics sorry. Why do you need pictures anyway.
  11. Slip a pedal using gusset prosecutors took off most of my shins
  12. Anywhere between 15-30psi will be fine depending on your style and what you ride. I have run about 8psi once but the tyre peeled away from the rim whenever I turned on the back wheel.
  13. sounds about right to me actually.
  14. Really is a personal choice. I would go for echo flat bars and a longish stem (at least 115mm). Have a go on other peoples bike, see how high you like the front end and how much stretch you like.
  15. With a better stem and bars it becomes a much, much better bike.
  16. I use the boots tennis wrist support and that works pretty well.
  17. By getting plastic you can save a couple of ounces and a lot of pounds! (get it? haha )
  18. why not just use the limit screws?
  19. Cheaper for a standard singlespeed chain (obviously not with kmc, etc... but I use a taya chain)
  20. Went to the doctor a couple of times and they think I could have lasting ligement damage. I need to get it scanned and be put through rigorous physio.
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