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Everything posted by sstein

  1. You don't need a crossover, get a section of rubber tubing from any hardware or mechanic shop and you can use that. It would help to have a barbed nut to attach the hose to the brake but You can bodge it without (with a lot of effort). Alternitavely fill up a buckey with oil, bleed it like that and then wash it off/dry, etc...
  2. Agreed. It is also worth a look at the alex dx32, but I really do recommend the Echo!
  3. I am going to go back to the original comment, you may just be a harsh rider. Do you do a lot of spinny moves. I know when I spin a lot I need to true my wheel more often. Also do you use 20" or 26"?
  4. I ride about 15 miles on My trials bike when I go on a ride and I manage to keep up with my friend on a mountain bike. Just Man Up!
  5. Is the trials hub steel, I thought pro 2s had alley freehubs.
  6. To be honest I would recomend a saracen over a phase 1.3. Have a look at Onzas or something similar. The new onza rip is only £292 off tarty and will be much better.
  7. With the hope hubs you need to get special cassetes to stop them digging into the soft hub body.
  8. Gt Chucker XS.1 08 costs £350 from Halfords if I am not mistaken. Just a word of warning, keep a close eye on the forks, cranks and bash. The forks will break on the left hand side of the arch, the cranks will start to twist/bend and if you hit the bash too hard it will explode.
  9. This is true, however you are likely to round the squares meaning that you will either need new cranks and bb or you will have to use a strip of coke can
  10. sstein


    So 2 months per grinds isn't that bad. I run rock blues with the occassional bit of tar and I ride more pure trials than streety stuff, Up, Over and Off no manuals or sh*t.
  11. Bricks/palets sliding when you land on them. Falling off. Chavs. People in general (unless they cheer you on). Shindigs. (and everything I said in my earlier post)
  12. Take it into your LBS. Hammering it off will damage the interface.
  13. sstein


    How long does a grind normally last? I run a sharp grind and I re-grind whenever it gets to the point that my brake slips when I hop to rails (even if it is in the wet). Obviously I don't grind it if it is just the odd slip, but when I feel that the hold has weakened then out comes the grinder. Anyway I seem to be loosing grip quicker these days. I am using an echo rim that is on it's 2nd or 3rd grind.
  14. Would make no real difference. For one it is very hard to land on your drive system with a sidehop and two most people run a bash anyway.
  15. I agree but it is not so much that they stretch (although it does contribute) but each link is held in place by only one pin rather than two and the bend in them weakens them. Get a taya chain (£5.99 from halfords) and fit a single half link that you can get by being friends with a BMX or your LBS should have a few lying around. The taya chain looks like it will be shit but they are very strong and reliable. I normally break chains quickly but I have been riding this for about 4 months with no problem.
  16. Just keep using it. 1- you will get used to it 2- the strap will soften up a bit on the edges which will not be that noticeable but will irritate you less.
  17. Jeans with a rip in the crotch from where you caught your stem seems pretty popular at the moment.
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