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Everything posted by sstein

  1. Not saying that it is not possible, just sometimes it could be a bit harder!
  2. Sorry I get what you were saying now! Just so you know the spacers are part of avids tri-alighn system, they are not for spacing, but rather for alighning the caliper so when the pads touch they are flat. Other systems such as tektro, etc... use a slightly different systemm where the pads themselves can rotate slightly which alighns them, so the actual caliper is easier to alighn and do not need the spacers.
  3. What I am saying is that there should be no need to remove any spacers
  4. That avid one will not work as it is 185, so you will end up with it being 185+20+3(roughly size of spacers)=208mm rather than 203, which means you will get minimal pad contact, you need a 180mm adaptor as it will work perfectly, the shimano one of the magura one will end up perfect as it will be 180+20+3=203.
  5. I use a shimano one, trust me you can use any make, they work fine, the magura one will work.
  6. Your profile says you run a 203, do you have +20 forks or are you going smaller?
  7. I am riding friday night to sunday night, call me when you get down (07515533868)
  8. I was just making a response to his question over a previous statement, I personally leave my frames and if they go I replace them, but some people like to mod their frames.
  9. Basically steel can be bent a lot without it loosing too much strength, whereas aluminium will break if it gets bent a lot. So hammering it back will not affect strength too much, but I don't really see how you can bend it back. If it is possible weld a small but stiff plate over it as you are likely to hit the same spot again, apart from that you should be fine.
  10. 900 double tailwhip frontflips from a bunnyhop are pretty easy to do, try them!
  11. Tension chain using the good cam on the drive side, tighten up the drive side bolt fully, pull the wheel across using yor hand so it is straight, crank up the non drive bolt. It is easy to do and it works, what is the problem?
  12. I actually quite often take off peoples tyres and find that there is a lot of moisture inside their tube, I have even found a puddle in someones tyres a couple of times
  13. I do it both intentionally and unintentionally. I find that it is quite hard on my bike compared to other bikes, but on my friends pitbull I held it near enough ten seconds last time I tried.
  14. Love those dreams, last time I got up afterwards and still couldn't do 'em.
  15. This might be helpful - link
  16. Just bleed it with cooking oil, then you have no need for these fancy creations.
  17. I will be riding saturday, there will be quite a few of us out, check in rides:london 28th
  18. That is Graeme, he came up with me.
  19. For those that would like to see the photos: link
  20. Anyone else notice an inconsistency with that one?
  21. I have a set of these on my avid sd5 on a smooth rim. It is the most powerful brake I have ever tested! They are well worth the money.
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