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Everything posted by sstein

  1. Shame, the old T-Rex are great, I had a third hand frame that had been used for trials, dirt jumping, street and park. I used it for a few months, then sold it to my friend who used it for a few months, it is still going strong. Easy as f*ck to bunnyhop as well! I am using a 24/7 holroyd at the moment, but I am getting one of the new limey frames.
  2. Get a plus 40 adaptor for your hope and use that with the 203, It will be so much better than the avid!
  3. Make that two. I was thinking about one of them and I tested one on the london ride, they are sweet as f*ck, give me one now!
  4. Graeme is running a stock without the need for a tensioner, my last stock worked without a tensioner, my modstock and lots of new stock frames have horizontal dropouts. Also, if you have the right gear ratio and a 74 kingz tensioner, plus set it up properly, it should be impossible to break it!
  5. Ladies please, do not argue in front of our new guest, 't be bad manners. Welcome to the forum, but please, for the love of g-d, read the rules and adhere to them or you will end up in constant arguments.
  6. You are working on the assumption that all stock bikes have derailleurs when most of them are singlespeed these days.
  7. 661 gloves normally wear right through in about 2 months. Try the kona ones as someone said. Also do you want full fingers or mitts, I have been using some old style tesco road mitts for around a year now and I have only just gone through them, not bad seeing as I do about 24 hours a week.
  8. I never clean my trials bike, but with my mountain bikes: 1- Remove wheels, cranks and bb. 2- Wash the frame and forks with hot water, washing up liquid and a sponge. 3- Dry the frame and forks with dusters. 4- Wash the wheels in the same way and clean the rotor with nail varnish remover. 5- Clean the cranks and bb, then dry and regrease everything. 6- Reassemble everything. 7- Polish everything with wd40 (not including rotors) Takes about 4 hours. It sounds like a lot to do but with everything polished with wd40 I rarely need to do anything as mud does not stick to it. However when the mud is clay like I do it and it solves everything that goes wrong on the bike!
  9. Put a coke can inside the frame (or rather a strip of it) and screw the bb against that. It will cause a tight fit that should keep the BB in place. Welding and recutting sounds like a good idea, but could you not just get a new threadless bb?
  10. For that price it was worth it just for the maggies!
  11. Just so you know: if you ever want to get validated; use punctuation correctly and start your sentences (and for that matter proper nouns) with capital letters!
  12. They don't always have the K but they will look like that!
  13. It is likely that the hanger you need is this!
  14. My mountainbie frame hasn't been made since pre 2000 (azonic ds1) and most of my parts on it are 04! I love it, but it weighs a ton!
  15. Taya chrome bmx chains (£6.99 from halfords). My last one lasted for 8 months in which I went through three hubs, the only reason I changed it in the end was there was a leak in my garage and it got a little surface rust, so I thought best to change it!
  16. I know this is a bit of topic but I use a taya chrome bmx chain from halfords. They are only £6.99, they run ultrasmooth and last for absolutely ages.
  17. So on this day there will be about 300 trials riders, 200 bmxers and a load of drunken football fans roaming around london, not to mention the normal tourists/inhabitants. And I thought it was hard to ride with just a few of us!
  18. The norm is 18:15 which is a ratio of 1.20. I use 22:18 which is 1.22 and I used to use 22:16 which is 1.375. 16:12 is 1.33 which you could use but I would say to try 16:13 if you want a ring that small as it will be easier.
  19. Manual, wheelie and taps. I am at least working on the first and last.
  20. I consider myself a fat sh*t, but I am fit enough to ride more than 24 hours a week, I sometimes do three days in a row with 12-14 hours each day and I am fine after that.
  21. I love riding by myself, with a couple of friends or in a large group, it really just depends who else is out.
  22. I am going from watford on friday night and graeme is coming on saturday night or sunday mourning, where abouts are you coming from?
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