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Everything posted by sstein

  1. If it is slipping when you turn i, you need to tighten the vice up more. I do this all the time. I have even done it with working freewheels and it worked.
  2. Am I right in beleiving that no one is coming out, cause I might as well go to London, which is closer and I have some where to stay.
  3. The hope bulb is basically the old version of the pro 2. What you want is the pro 2 trials, which will be stronger than both of them.
  4. sstein


    What do people think of Marino bikes? I was thinking of getting one as they are really cheap.
  5. Speak for yourself. My fun sessions normally last somewhere between 4 and 14 hours with the higher end often being weekends. You really feel like dying after two 14 seshs in a row.
  6. You have obviously not heard about the untamed face breaking power of the echo freehubs!
  7. Middleburns Maxis minion dual ply Rear maggy Taya chrome bmx chain - the only chain that seems to last me any real time and only costs £6.99
  8. I would love to see Orange do a revamped version of this bike. Thinking 1080;+30;380. If you want the original have a look on ebay, they are always on there.
  9. Yes. do you know who I am? There is no point in me coming down for a few days if there is going to be no one to ride with!
  10. I have work sorry. Might come down for a day or two the week after though.
  11. Agreed. You should do the limey 3 stock the same. P.S. Hurry up, I want one NOW!
  12. I have this in 26*2.4 on front and it is the gripiest tire that I have ever used but is incredibly slow rolling. Go for a high roller or something similar.
  13. I'll be down a few days before as well so I can help you put it together if you want.
  14. What do you still need.
  15. Sorry I can't do the sunday, friday and saturday only!
  16. Rotors are designed to be able to bend back, so it shouldn't noticably weaken it. If you take it off and put it in the oven, it should straighten it out, but that only works sometimes so no guarantees.
  17. There is no best or worst bike, it all depends on what you like. For instance I started on a silverfox bike with rigids. It was a heavy peice of crap, but I still love taking it out for a ride, even if I do have a much better bike.
  18. Is there any more news on the limey 3s yet as I can not wait to get my hands on one!
  19. Mostly rock or metal, however when I am riding sh*t and need to calm down I often listen to something like Santana because it helps me relax and ride smoother and quite often a lot better.
  20. sstein

    Pad Help

    Got rock blue pads on a fairly sharp medium grind. When I got the pads they were amazing and would stop me on anything. They are about half worn now and slipping a lot. I tried re-grinding the rim, but it is exactly the same. I am now needing a bit of tar to keep me from slipping off. Filing the pad down is a bit stupid as the grind does that anyway. What do you recommend?
  21. First of all are you sure you have no breaks in the hose, the hose is all screwed in correctly and there are no leaks anywhere? If so use oil and a syringe rather than water to bleed the brake. 1 - Fill the syringe with oil and get all of the air out of it. 2 - Remove the bleed bolt on the lever and screw in the syringe (tighten with a spanner to stop it coming loose). 3 - Remove the bleed bolt at the slave and attach the other peice of hose. 4 - Compress the syringe until the fresh oil starts coming out of the lover tube. 5 - Remove the lower tube and refit the bleed bolt. 6 - Squeeze the brake lever and release it a few times while flicking the tubing/lever etc. A few air bubbles should be leaked into the syringe. 7 - Keep the syringe in a vertical position to stop the bubbles re-entering the brake, compress the syringe until you start to see the pistons move. 8 - Remove the syringe and refit the bleed bolt. Squeeze the lever and see how it responds. I find it often help to repeat the process attaching the syringe to the slave as the bubbles will float to the top of the oil (i.e. the lever) making them easier to remove. This process should be done with the brake in situ as it keeps the lever higher than the slave and the hose straight. Use shimano mineral oil or citroen oil for best results. I use cooking oil which is a bit slow but I am going to try baby oil as I hear that it works quite well and is still quite cheap. The problem with water is that it does not lubricate the seals, it can go stale and the brakes are not designed for it so are more likely to develop a leak. Also it can freeze in the winter unless you use a mixture of water and antifreeze which is not great for the seals. However as said it is easier to bleed and feels more responsive.
  22. I will be in Southend on the 10th and 11th of april (I think), who is riding?
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