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Everything posted by sstein

  1. Ridnig with Glen (fatpants), who wants to come.
  2. What sort of hardness rating should be used on a medium grind?
  3. Why are they not long enough? If you mean that they have occasionally jumped out, then increase the tention and maybe put a thin ziptie around the arm if it persists.
  4. When I ride a lot my second finger form the outside on my right hand starts to ache and on MTB it means I no longer have the strength to pull up easily after a day of riding. Any ideas on what it could be?
  5. I had the 16th try-all, did not skip once, but then the outerring exploded after 6 1/2 months (2 weeks out of warranty). I have the 18th now which skips like a bitch!
  6. That is the same on any bike if you overtighten it.
  7. It should fit fine and I think it is 119mm rather than 113mm come to think of it.
  8. The isis bb should definitely come with bolts, I have nevver had any bb that doesn't come to think of it (except HTII)
  9. Take the wheel out and pull the qr skewer out. If you can pull the axle out as well, you have a broken axle, If you can wobble it without it pulling out you have one of a few things (loose cones/knackered bearings/broken bearing cups/mixture of the previous). The other thing it could be is a bent axle, you can see this by spinning the axle and seeing if the end raises and fallls with eath rotation. From what you said it sounds like the cones need tightening, but not sure what grub screw you are on about, what hub do you have?
  10. Wet weather rides are fun, it makes everything so much more sketchy.
  11. Superstar compontents are very good to deal and have great customer service as well as a great products at a tiny price!
  12. So I don't need to meet him at the station?
  13. You fancy riding london this saturday, me jack (koxxhydroxx) and joel are riding.
  14. When you coming up, I may join you. Thes best way to learn is to ride with the locals.
  15. sstein

    Bb Length?

    This is not really my feild of expertise but I reckon if you are running a bash plate, then it is likely that the chain will rub on it with that length of bb. Are you getting it second hand? If not just get a longer bb, then you will still be sorted if you change your setup, for trials I will always run a 127/128mm bb.
  16. Yes it will fit! The only difference between brakes with different rotors is the rotor and adaptor. The lousie fr is post mount I think which means you will need an IS to post adaptor in the size that you want.
  17. I am trying to get more people using those chains as they are truly amazing. I have already got two local bmxers using them and a couple of trials riders.
  18. I looked these up on line and they do normally come with the truvative bb howitzer bb, which you have already said you cant afford, unfortunately that is the cheapest 83mm bb that I know about as they are (supposed to be) only for use on big hit dh bikes so your options are limited. I would say to save up and go for the truvativ, you will never need to replace it!
  19. I am not exactly a light rider and I ride for about 30 hours a week, my last Taya Chrome Bmx chain lasted me 6 months and did not break, I only changed it 'casue I thought it might go. I normally break chains very easily but these things are amazing. Are you sure you were using the same chain and not the ultra sh*t one halfords do?
  20. Probably be riding, who will join me?
  21. Are you sure it is 83mm as that seems a bit odd. The normal size is 68mm and occasionaly 73mm. If it is 73mm I would recomend a half decent isis bb like a truvativ one and any set of isis cranks, go for middleburns if you can get the money, you won't regret it.
  22. I can't see a price anywhere!
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