First of all the steel used in Marino frames is A53 carbon steel, I did a bit of background research and it appears to have similar qualities to chromo but a tiny bit weaker. I think the actual problem is with the actual tubing used not the material, for instance the thickness and diameter. I dented my Marino on the third ride (small one on the downtube) which was not great and I didn't hit it that hard, however I have the intelligence to see that it is an untested custom frame that cost £90, so don't care too much. I did ask Marino about making frames out of 4130 or reynolds and was told the reason that he doesn't do it is that it would cost a lot to get the tubing to him, so he would have to heavily up the price of his frames (probably double them, however he is going to start using true temper tubing soon. Do you think this would cover my dented frame as it did go a bit prematurely?