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Everything posted by sstein

  1. I ride both trials and mtb street and I find that trials influences my street riding more than the other way around. I still ride my trials relatively streety but I do a lot of brake tricks on my street bike.
  2. I live in London and ride everyday! pm me your number if you wanna ride
  3. I got validated after only 1 post and that was back way before this new system.
  4. and have no brake mount
  5. I have work but I will be out afterwards at about 5
  6. riding through gcse study leave is fine if you can get away with it. You can even get away with a bit through a-levels. That joy ends at uni though!
  7. which side is hanging out? I have had this before, it is not a problem it just means that it has been unscrewed too far. Push it back in with a screw driver while turning the pad adjust dial until you get some of the thread back in the 'piston'
  8. will do sunday night as well if you want!
  9. yeah, just down from southwark cathedral
  10. i work in southwark so i was thinking start at the courthouse and head east?
  11. As it turns out I actually have work on this weekend, anyone fancy doing it on saturday night?
  12. Up until recently I was still riding an 01 T-rex for street and I still love my ds-1 just not for trials!
  13. man the f*ck up. I ride in whatever and I have to say riding in the wet can actually be some of the most fun rides possible if you are with someone else and don't take riding too seriously.
  14. You back in London then Martin?
  15. right my last exam is on the 3rd so this will be my first proper ride in a while and i want it to be a big one, everyone should come, no excuses
  16. I highly doubt superglue would do anything to help you, I would suggest an new lever though it is possible to duct tape the lever on as a temporary fix!
  17. I unfortunately still cant grip the bars or else I probs would have come!
  18. in my opinion you never really get over that feeling you just get better at riding and the feeling shifts itself to harder stuff, for instance when I started I was afraid of drops, now I have the ability to do them well so the thought never pops into my head but when I go for new dirt jumps on my mtb I get that feeling cause I am not use to them even though I ride very similar stuff with ease when it is in the middle of a track. As everyone else said it just comes down to confidence and practice
  19. sstein


    LHM is perfect substitute for magura blood and as you say it is a lot cheaper!
  20. Out of interest has anyone tried one of the newer bikehut cable discs as I have a spare one and was wondering whether to use it or budget so I can get another bb7 which are amazing!
  21. sstein

    Street V Trials

    How do you figure?
  22. Phone up tarty or middleburn and get a new left side middleburn or alternatively put some strips of coke can in there!
  23. sstein

    Street V Trials

    broke my hand and my ribs and stomach hurt like hell but at least i am forced to revise for my exams at the mo
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