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Andrew C

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Andrew C last won the day on March 31 2011

Andrew C had the most liked content!

About Andrew C

  • Birthday 04/29/1994

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Andrew James Craib
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Gu le, echo urban forks, try-all stem, try-all bars, echo rims, echo hubs, echo forged cranks and an aheadset head set.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Riding, eating, making fun of myself and other people (great fun) and listing to music.
  • Location
    Highland, Inverness

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10199 profile views

Andrew C's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. People are trying to hard these days to make a vid where they're racing about the place or trying to better someone, whats wrong with a nice normal video?
  2. Haha loving the comments, reflects exactly what I was going to say.
  3. Awesome. You really suit the streety type stuff.
  4. Works for some people doesn't for others so really you've just got to hope you live in an EE hotspot.
  5. Iv been on the EE network for 5 months but in all honesty I think it is the city im in. (inverness)
  6. Iv got it and its utter bollocks. Iv never had such a slow connection in my life.
  7. Paypal is a piece of shit. Sent money for a bike I was buying and the money got reversed with out me realising it so the courier I ordered couldn't take the bike. F*CK
  8. That's was really uplifting, seems like a proper cool guy.
  9. Sorted now cheers for the help.
  10. Andrew C

    John Webster

    I was watching some videos of kevin liu and came across this. He's not half bad on a bike. http://vimeo.com/50965363
  11. Seemed like a good rider but I had to stop watching because of that god awful song.
  12. Brilliant rider, I like how he is very level headed aswell when he was talking about his brother being champion and saying that he was happy for him but a little jealous. Most people would just bullsh#t and say they were happy about that. Definitley my favourite rider.
  13. Really enjoyed that, the natural stuff was cool.
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