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  • County (UK Only)
    County Durham
  • Real Name
    steven robson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    zoo 09 zoo cranks hope pro2 front rear trialtech stem and bars

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. really nice build mate mind me asking how much you paid just my mate is looking for a new mod summit on lines of this thanks
  2. Thanks Dave. Yeah i went in the Marines, still in, just dont get much time to ride anymore.
  3. These are clips from October 2011. I was going to make a full video however i had a car crash and basically nearly died in november. After fully recovering today was only the 2nd time sinse november, i have rode. so thought id upload these old clips. Let me know your thoughts... cheers x
  4. really nice edit but didint seem to have as big moves then a was expecting
  5. Trials is not a cool sport at all these days
  6. think it looked loads better white
  7. Seeing if anyone has ridden one and opinions
  8. Weather looks to have changed to cloudy on Sunday
  9. Carl looks so happy on 24 brake less, looked fun lads and some nice skills
  10. Frames seem ok to get a pure sl with ti bb comes to ruffly £290 that's including all taxes and shipping but no warranty which isn't bad really but pay abit extra you get a warranty and reliable service. You can get a because color 24 inch frame for 125 quid + 33 quid postage 158 quid is including everything proper bargain
  11. Weather looks bad for sunda at minute
  12. Just a bit of interest what's the best frame people have rode?
  13. Tra on the Coust v2 owns still beast in this vid,
  14. What happened to hull trials thing couple weeks ago?
  15. Just seeing people's opinions on this frame as I cracked my echo so dunno to go for a wrap fix or new frame in because color or maybe new neon any body recommend either of them?
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