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Everything posted by cox.

  1. jack.. dont turn into a weight freak about your bike.
  2. all my v!z part are fine.. so far. but i wouldnt not recomend them to you, there good hubs+parts. where are you getting the v!z from? ... have fun trying to get them if its from t-uk. lol...xxxxxxxxxxxx
  3. there be weaker for starters, and good luck to you if your "in to" gap to fronts or hooks.
  4. should be there, unless im in newquay.. looking forward to thiss, anyone know anything if there is going to be the abingdon ride again? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. looks niceeeeeeeeeee as brooo, still think you should of got some bright arse coloured rims for it...but still looks pimping xxxxxxxxxxx
  6. cox.

    Jack Meek

    yeeer i get your point, but its not really a video of riding though if you get me... its more him showing his thoughts towards the whole trials scene. its very different, i think thats why.... i loved it. x
  7. cox.

    Jack Meek

    seriously, that was the best video ive seen in a long time... its amazing to see riders feel so much about the sport... amazing, thats dvd style.. brilliant.. xxxxxxxxxxx
  8. yerrrrrrrrrr booiii, was pretty sicccck.. you ride tht bike smooth as now. peacexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. ah sorry, il still leave this up just for the sake of more people seeing it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. hey, to all of those who doesnt know about this yet.. well sadly Jeremy Lusk died on the 10th of February 09, This happend doing somthing he loved to be doing.. riding his motocross bike. He died due to head injuries he sustained on February 7th at the X Knights event in San Jose, Costa Rica. for those who do not know much about Lusk, he was a professional free-style motocross rider. He was also a rider for the "metal mulisha" r.i.p lusk shal be missed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKwTWCdfYEc if you dont have anything good to say, then dont.
  11. siiiiiiiiiccccccccccccccccccccccccck, vid's going to be pretty pimping.. xxxxxxxxxx
  12. +1, does anyone know if there is going to be a dj ride at abingdon again this year... xxxxx
  13. that bike is super-sexy... looks like you ride it like a beast aswell, keeep it up. Make a video lol .. cox-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. black forks and that will be the sexyest stock ever.
  15. yeeh there pretty mental bikes, got the short ice mines minta.x
  16. cox.


    blame jack..
  17. cox.


    close. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ils&id=1646
  18. cox.

    Ross Gardner

    was siccccck, still getting better... have to ride with you when your free somtime havnt seen you in awhile bludd. keep it upppp! xxx
  19. yeh havnt rode in a age, want to have a good ride for once. urrrh im guessing its still the usual planage, Bayer: 10 30 - 11 ? around them times? if weather sucks, urh give it a pass.. peace.xx
  20. get some real pictures of her, them dont do it any good! x
  21. pimping, was gooood. better than me now for shoooooooooooow' xx
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