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Everything posted by cox.

  1. looks oright i guess, i liked the xtp more though.. ahwell, whatever floats you boat! x
  2. make every road-side rail out of them so it doesnt hurt if you crash on them...
  3. yeh, but have you seen it.. haha. it sucks.
  4. yeh ben lol looks pretty nice actually.. looks WAY to clean haha. il post some of mine when my new frame turns up only thing i hate about them khe's are the gay seats the put on them, they look horrid. get a pivital one, so much lighter aswell+ they look good. go brakeless, its so much better on a bmx lol.xxxx
  5. all depends on how you like your bikes to feel really, like me i like mine to be pretty short and as low as possible. i only know how i wanted it to feel by riding other peoples bike, changing stems around and stuff.. but to be honest id get the short, your be able to feel more relaxed on it. x
  6. but dave used to run him the 'real' way has he would say lol back brake on the right and front on the left.. lol
  7. yeh, but maggie only do it brand new in the gash grey colour.
  8. your getting a ko, lmao.
  9. snaped my maggie body tonight lol, wonna get a 'echo tr ' or 'echo sl lever' for it but cant seem to be able to find a place where you can by ONE by its self without all the other stuff (hose, slaves ect.) so i just want the body for it pretty much, if you could tell me where or who ect would be many thanks xxxxxxxx
  10. yeaah thats pretty yummy. i had one of them frames, was so sick! miss it so badly- it cracked though so bit of a bummer! glad to see a boster is on there! NOOOIIIIICE.x
  11. looks lush, allways liked that bike since dave got it! lol sorted the brakes out then? haha. x
  12. bmx is where its at, if you wanted light.. should of got the grim reaper! lol its stupidly light, and nice. zoo is allright, bit plane though. id rather ride the bmx than the zoo, put it that way lol. xx
  13. thats how zoo's are ment to look! looks so much better than williams, its bloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooody nice! xxxx
  14. yeah, hahaha. nice. made me enjoy it lol nice to see you riding in there matt.. fag. keeep it uuuuuuuurp! xxxx
  15. cox.

    Zoo! Pirahna

    somthing doesnt look right on it? not sure if i like it yet to be honest, its nice but its nothing amazing. x
  16. its nice, nothing amazing? just looks like the 09 with a rear disc.
  17. this is a private video... erm?
  18. LOL, chinnery is the borat!!! lolz.
  19. hero lol. not too much of a fail this topic has turned into? hahaha. x
  20. abiit like the one near me, thats a farm aswell! il get some pictures next time for yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, to show you up.. keep it up xxxxxxxx
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