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Everything posted by cox.

  1. the question asked was, could anyone put this video on youtube or a download link? please, thaks alot.
  2. or a link to download it. PLEASE
  3. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...d2-a9cb3541e13f found this on his myspace, anyone know how to put it onto pootube pleasee xx
  4. looks like some very good riding going on. looks rather fun too
  5. very good mate, just keep riding your get better and better. nice style too. x
  6. SMOOTH. get your self some plaz pads, whatever ones work great on a smooth rim, use some tar. Sorted no need for re-grinds, ect. x
  7. Bit of a give away to be honest, he thinks they will slip hardly bite no soud ect. i think you get the picture now, correct?
  8. fair enough. thats what i run on my smooth rim atm.x
  9. Snapping a rear maggie, and old zoo bars. thats the worse one yet
  10. yeah your right i say dump the 08parts, and bring back old parts i miss my old zoo bars, they snapped haha.x
  11. If theres any new houses, shops opening they normaly have a fair few lieing around, or behide shops xx
  12. I say get a fresh grind by yourself some heatsink snowys of trials-uk, set them up perfect run untill the start to not bite, clean rim with clean water and sand pads down a bit then but tar on pads then your sorted for LIFE my friend You will thank me somday xx
  13. ANYWAY. Does anyone know why they stop making the old ones?
  14. thats why im running a smooth rim but has anyone got a set i can buy? xx
  15. Well the old zoo pads used to be s**t hot on smooth rims, and the new ones there a big no no. Why did the change the material for? the old ones used to be loud,bitey as hell, and would hold. the new ones,they sound like a baby bird has been born,worse than maggie blacks,and DO NOT hold. Please can they start selling the old style ones again, i miss them xx
  16. not a huge fan of that to be honest. not bad though.
  17. hope you get it back mate, i got my zoo robbed saw some chav riding past me and it was yellow anywayzzzzz good luck buddy xx
  18. A few mounths back i heard that Tunnicliffe was bring a vid out on mod, is this still happening or whaat? anyone heard anything about it? xx
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XckaKsUVQEM. You might like that. x
  20. deodorant ride it in, sorted. Works on all pads, best on plazzies and rock pads though. Give it a try, doesnt do anything to your rim, once your done riding clean it off dont just leave it on there x
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