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Everything posted by cox.

  1. yeah as the title says, well im getting one for xmas and havnt really seen any* full built ones yet? Just seeing if any of you lot got any pics of full built ones or whatever. would be very thankfull if some get posted up thanks alot x
  2. some good pictures there, look like a real fun day. x
  3. i got the best pair that bike would look better with a 06 frame though danny lol x
  4. find a set of old old plaz pads,your be amazed.
  5. neil you beast, vid was amazing. have to come down again lol. x
  6. yeah big man, looks sexy as foook. Il have to show you up on it when your next down then LOL White is the new colour,
  7. 'dad lets be honest now, my frames a sh*t peice compared to this one. This one is like brand new,and i can sell my one to put some of them money into it.' May work? lol
  8. not feeling it to be honest.
  9. i think the brake problem is it just wearing in to be honest, same thing happend with my hope toke about a week to work amazing so i guess just keep riding on it and i should get better
  10. would if i could, got football. fanny.
  11. think i was first to see that one lol yeah was minta turning into a mini-danny now. ride the koxx a beast, keep it up xx
  12. cox.

    Zoo Python 06

    wait untill xmas and shes yours x
  13. YES YES YES , i got a thanks i see love you long time x
  14. yeah lad, thats the video we have been waiting for. Good lad minta lines again, not to happy ive been cut out of it but i think we talk more in detail about that next time lol Keep it up big boy. xx
  15. i love little vids like that alot more better, bikes suits you well. Whats the song bled? x
  16. cox.

    44 Tango Pads

    when are these going to be ready, becuase i wont a set. Il test a pair? x
  17. these type's of post arnt going to get you anywhere...
  18. when are you saying the winner..becuase its friday the 19th today, right?
  19. looks mint as foook, king looks sexy as in gold..
  20. cox.

    Zoo Python 06

    yeah, how much? correct.
  21. cox.

    Zoo Python 06

    will be for sale in december...
  22. Yellows - Sierra's - Marinos - Bali's - Orient's - Xiong's Whites - bay's - Candida's - Gwen's - Crimson's - Niveous - Pearls IF NONE OF THESE PADS WIN, oh my god.LOL, IF THEY DO .. I WILL BUY THE PADS FOREVER ... (and these names are real by the way, re-searched )
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