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  • Real Name
    harry cox
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    06 zoo python.zoo forksecho team stem (old)silver zoo bars.black echo rim on green echo hub (front)green try-all rim, on silver profile hub (rear)front hope m4 on a 203 rotor.rear maggie 06, gu lever blade with coust pads,echo mountsecho cnc cranks greenecho cnc headset.echo team boster.old echo front tyrerear echo.
  • Country
    Zimbabwe (was Southern Rhodesia)

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    trials<br />bmx<br />football<br />rugby<br />tennis.
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cox.'s Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. cox.

    hench as fook

    ghetto stuff
  2. yo man email me on nevermindthebuzzcox@hotmail.co.uk x

  3. Ill buy your KO for 400 I asked on ebay but i will buy it now cash on collection for 400? Thanks, Aaron.

  4. might bump into you lot, about 6 of us bm sexers are going there xx
  5. im there, be my first ride in like ever! hence that irl be sketchy as f**k! see you soon xx
  6. siiiiiiiiiiiick, fair play for the vee bruv! get ride of the sticker+new forks and your sorted [: peacexxx
  7. probs go to that seeing i havnt been yet, dno if irl be on bmsex or trials.xx
  8. maaaaaaaaaaayb, if i do il have to go at like 4 though got some ghetto party. x
  9. sweet havnt seen that one before, you seen this one? http://www.vimeo.com/6345495 xx
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAdGPB2VcCU
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