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  • Birthday 09/15/1992

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    aden connell
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    echo lite, echo forks, red echo rims, red adamant hubs, black zoo! bars and echo stem

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  1. I would have to vote for an Echo rim in this situation. They may be heavy but they make up for it in the strength As for a hub, if you are wanting to run a freehub then a Hope Pro II is the best value for money option but if you are willing to spend a little more on a hub they you can't go wrong with a Chris King On the other hand though, if you are wanting to run a front freewheel then a monty, koxx, viz or trial tech hub will do the job perfectly. With a rear fixed hub you will want a good front freewheel, I would reckommend an eno if you can afford it but if not then a tensile will do a very good job Aden :)

    Last Clips On My Echo

    loved it scott my boy you didnt tell me you did that rail gap at co-op see you soon:P
  3. This vid is ace:P i loved it
  4. hey i have to many dream bikes and most of them being the older deng product's i would like a 07 gu with everything black and red kings or 06 gu with silver fork's and red king's on 07 black echo rims old style black zoo! bar's
  5. the tensile sounds nice hahaha ...not! king is the sex

    Ross M - Stock vid 3!

    mint ross very good riding it would have been better if you put the clip of me flashing my ass haha!:P
  7. That looks very nice, The only thing that lets it down though is the silver forks , Would look much better if you had a set of black ones I reckon :P
  8. You can get pink try-all rims, but you could spray your rims if you wanted but I personally think that a plain colour like black or silver would look nicer than having your bike done up with lots of colours. A nice little touch to make your bike look nice though is to get coloured nipples, they dont cost to much but they do make the bike look good. Aden.

    McInnes - End Of Echo.

    love this vid amazing song(Y) ride soon x
  10. mint riding(Y) editing could have been a bit beter

    Mike Winton MOD.

    some nice riding!! top tune!!!
  12. mint vid danny keep it up(Y) xxx

    Kurtis B Clips!!

    that video is cute
  14. hi i am realy wanting a pair of zoo pads as i want to test them to see if they are as good as everyone says they are i resintly started riding on a grind but before i had the echo pads on a smooth rim and was impresed, i did put tar on t rim though
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