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Julius Czar

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Everything posted by Julius Czar

  1. Probably not too pleased with cheddar frames..
  2. Yeah, i suppose thats an option. I was just wondering if it had one so i could just chuck one on, thanks
  3. Hey guys, i'm getting a mission reefer for £25, gonna make a little project out of it and I was just wondering, do they come with a disk hub? As my mate has a spare bb7 I could chuck on there. Thanks, Kieran
  4. in between the frame and the hub axle, so the frame wont flex in as far
  5. In theory its fine, just put some washers on it, because if you dont, the frame will flex in as you tighten the bolt and will make one of your mounts wonky as such.
  6. Take it to a workshop, or your lbs, I'm sure they could tell you
  7. Really like that! Looks really nice mate
  8. Adaptors don't really make a difference, and they have a lot of room for adjustment, as most adaptors have three pivot holes you can set them to, which makes them easier to set up Kieran.
  9. I'm running this setup at the moment, It's fine, but I think you'll need longer spokes next to the ones you miss out, as they have to go further to get into the nipples, I'm not sure though.
  10. Doesn't it state in the rules not to make topics like this? Most newbies havent been reading the rules lately..
  11. Saw this on OTN a while back, thought it was a bit ridiculous to be honest, I've got a normal profile, and thats enough for me, and I dont like anythng over 108ep, had a tryall freewheel that lasted me 3 months before it died. Kieran.
  12. Have you tried using a longer bolt? Like a booster bolt, just put the spacers on, then the bolt reaches further down into the remaining thread, and grips on, works a treat. It's good for a temporary fix, but you can only undo and tighten it back up it a few times before it threads again, then you have to helicoil it, or use a jubilee clip. Kieran.
  13. I'm not really a big rider, and all I do is gaps to front, and they're not even big. I suppose because its old, and has been through a few people who do ride quite big, so I had it coming to be honest. Haha, yeah. I'm not sure how many bikes it actually has been through, but I'd say around six.
  14. I've never seen anything like this before, but I take it it's quite common then?
  15. Didnt they give him a kortz for a while? I saw a video of him riding it, I think it was just before he left them
  16. Just be confident, technically you've got more grip on a smaller surface (provided you're on the back wheel) as all your weight is on it, and your tyre hugs it as such.
  17. Took it out thinking I had a mega flared headtube, to find that the bottom cup had snapped off from the bit that goes into the frame Has anyone had this before? Fair play to it, it is rather old, and it's been through like 6 different bikes, but I didn't think this would happen Kieran.
  18. That was amazing, could put a single fault to it, beautiful camera work, loved it
  19. Looked like a great day bessell sounds wellll funny
  20. I don't get any good responses from it, but there's more of an acceptance to it, when i first started, everyone looked at me and looked at my bike, and sometimes they would ask about it, but now, as its become quite popular in our area, people dont even give us a second glance, they're used to it now You're obviously going to get the odd person that moans, like "dont you have somewhere else to be?" or "The council didnt pay for that just for it to be smashed up" and all that sh*t, but normally, no-one will bother us
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