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Julius Czar

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Everything posted by Julius Czar

  1. Reading that I could relate to all of that in a sense, and I must say in the four years I've been riding I've met more people and made more friends than I did before I started riding, because you instantly feel a bond between you and another trials rider that you haven't met before, and can just start up an convo without any trouble and in any other case you wouldn't, and although this may sound sad, this site and tartybikes are the first two things I go on when I pick up my phone/iPod or go on my computer, it's more a sub-conscious thing, and there actually home pages on my computer I have so much love for this forum, it's opened up a whole new society of people to have a laugh with, complain to, share my darkest secrets with, current affairs with the bike and personal life to, and just to destroy boredom on the winter night of snowed in-ism and situations alike! I(L)TRIALSFORUM!
  2. Thats the kind of thing I want to do, like practical, but i'd rather be doing an apprentiship because my mate (luke) is doing one and another mate (aarron) is doing the same course but full time at college, and what Luke covers in a week aarron just about does in a month, but even in a full time course I'd be happier because what I'm doing at the moment, which is media btw, is hardly on the practical side, the most we do is film or edit footage we've created, which is utter shite IMO, it may do something for others but I've come to the conclusion that from September to now it's definitely not for me. And one more thing, do you need a college as such to get an apprenticeship?
  3. I've had some bloody funny ones, there was this one where my sister gave me this block of something, and told me to give it to my mum because it was her birthday tomorrow(it wasn't.) my mum woke me up the next morning and I told her Rachel (my sister) "wanted me to give you this" and I gave her my empty hand... Another one was one of those can't run dreams, I went to the loo, then brushed my teeth, then as I came out and went down the stairs, I could hear this hissy sound, I looked back and could see my toothpaste (yes you read right) chasing me down the stairs, any normal human wouldn't be afraid of some toothpaste spilling it's way down the stairs after you, but I can still vividly remember how scared I actually was, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't run or even walk at a normal pace, it felt like my legs were in a hard gear as such, like trying loads to move but going really slowly, I then woke up when the scary hissy toothpaste almost got me.... And another one was that I was in a Nissan skyline, but in lime a gran turismo style screen, so although I was dreaming a reality being me in a car driving like ken block, I could see a little speedo and rev counter in my face along with the same Info on the cars dashboard, but anywho, I was drifting this car around like it was a toy, and I can safely say I've never ever felt that happy before and still haven't to this day, but everything was so intricate, like the colour and all the little decals and vinyls on the car, and just driving the car in general, like the gear changing, the combination of the pedals and the handbrake and wheel all at the same time, whilst somehow taking the time out to look at the sorroundings, which was also highly detailed... Yeah, there's a little insight into my weird and deluded mind, I'll tell you more when I can remember them
  4. In response to dan2707, I see where your coming from but I just can't seem to find any, I'm bored with the work and tasks set when I'm there and the coursework set for home, do you reckon college is best? But maybe a different subject? And in response to calopS I've got my dad who's an electrician but I've worked with him before and I'm not up to working the mad hours he does. I really have considered all options and I'm not sure I want any of them, and I still don't know what i want to do with my life and it's getting to the point where I make a decision or have no future, but I don't want to make a decision I'll regret just for the sake of getting by in the future doing something I never wanted to to in the first place?
  5. Right. Been in college since September and I'm really not enjoying it like I thought I would, and I know this is meant to be the time to make decisions, but I'm really stuck as to what to do? Do I carry on? Or do I go off and just look for another course/a job? The thing is I'm worried if I go for a job it's not really sustainable for a future, and if I just leave I'm worried I might not get another course in college because of a bad reference because I've just left the course. Another thing is if I leave college and don't manage to get a job then I'm utterly f**ked, any suggestions?
  6. Depending on your budget you could get either, if set up properly they will both work amazingly, the only difference is that you get more adjustment with the pads on a bb7, but as said previously, it's something there to break that otherwise wouldn't on the bb5.
  7. Looks really fun, might have to dig mine out the depths of my garage...
  8. Having a nasty cough is good for your abs :D

  9. He is a fine example of a human being, that's some amazing stuff!
  10. Very good, what freewheel/hub you running? It's well loud!
  11. Just cant handle the Sesh....

  12. If your frame is alu then you wont have to laquer it, but if your doing something to it like polish it its good to laquer it to keep the finish looking nice over time
  13. All the attention from the media and his newly found fanbase began to take its toll on the polarbear, and holes began to appear in his once stable state of mind.
  14. Dr Stix, you my friend, have created the best thing I, (and I think I can safely say a lot of members on here) have seen in a while, thank you for making my night! This bear heard the news of such a thread, and was delighted, so much so that he could barely contain his excitement.
  15. AHHHHHH! wheres it coming from? 0_o

  16. What echo cams? If they're the TR ones, they have micro notches on them so you should'nt need to do anything to them. Are you tightening your wheel properly? Or maybe something to do with your cam bolts?
  17. My brake is fine in the cold, its still got the original oil bleed, but every now and then, it seems to go really thick and takes ages to return? Sorry to steal the thread, just thought as we were on the subject
  18. Here in Kent, we have too much, about half a meter, f**king hate snow, cant ride!!
  19. Is it only one bolt that is rounded? If it is, take all the bolts that you can out and turn the rotor the way the bolt loosens and it will come out
  20. Why would you do that? thats not logical?
  21. Weve just had one made for us next to a bmx park, it opened the other day We started off doing petitions and working with our local youth centre, they helped out a lot, we eventually had the mp of our area come to see us to have talks about it, we gave him the petitions personally, which got things done quicker Hope this helps!
  22. Its the 24 frame they made, look on tarty..
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