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Robin M S/c

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About Robin M S/c

  • Birthday 01/23/1969

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  • Real Name
    Robin Morewood
  • Bike Ridden
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    Adam - Jitsie Varial
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    Motorbike Trials
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Bruno sold Ozonys so he could spend time and money on a different (non trials) related business.
  2. The individual Disciplines World Championships will run every year as normal apart from every 4th year (the year before the olympics) they will all come together in one place for two weeks where all disciplines of world champions will be crowned. great for the first one to be in Glasgow. a lot nearer and cheaper then it will be in China this year
  3. The 2017 BIU British Championship will be held on the 16th July at Dudwood Farm near Elton, Bakewell, Derbyshire. Entry form attached, will also be on entry central soon for online entries. Also see the BikeTrial United Kingdom Facebook page for further details. https://m.facebook.com/BikeTrial-United-Kingdom-1600173740309813/?ref=page_internal BIU 2017 dudwood.doc
  4. There are a few riders who go to the quarry at weekends. Won't be up there next weekend but probably will be the week after
  5. Adam has been riding a HS 1010 mod since March. no issues and very stiff feel compared to things he has ridden before.
  6. Correct, who are you to judge. Adam was certainly not pushed to carry on, he got all the loving he needed and as a very determined competitor who pushed himself he wanted to carry on. He is old enough now to make his own decisions on things like that which he did.
  7. Seems like I need to put a few things correct regarding this post. yes Barbara has resigned from the committee but that isn't why Brimham has been cancelled. The rest of the committee have been away in Europe at the worlds for the last 2 weeks so it is just a case of no one having the time to get the event organised. the rest of the committee still remain and Tyke events will be run. personally I joined the committee a few years ago to offer to help organise more events. Barbara wanted to do less after Brian sadly passed away and there was no one in the west York area willing to step in and organise the quantity of events that the keen riders wanted. Therefore it was effectively split between 2 organising groups in order to keep running approx 8 events per year, 4 in west York and 4 in south York / Derbyshire. this has worked well and I have tried to focus down in Derbyshire of encouraging new riders as they are the future of the sport. I did this by setting out the sections the White / green riders wanted and not focusing on setting super hard elite sections. They are club events after all, not world championship events. this has worked well and approx 2/3 of our entries are under 12 years old. i stepped down from the committee earlier this year for personal reasons. Since then I have been very busy organising the BIU European Cup combined with the British BikeTrial Championship at Dudwood farm which was successful with 40+ riders compared to 22 in last years British championship so something must be correct. Now the main continental season is over for us i will be starting a new club to run events in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire and these will be for the good of the sport and to encourage more participants. Adam rides club trials for fun and a bit of practice. They don't prepare him for world / euro events, that's why he is out practicing so much and travels to continental events for experience. i am sure the current committee would welcome assistance in organising events going forward and we will be supporting the Tyke club in any way we can. Robin M
  8. Adam really enjoyed the demo. Glad your daughter had a good time. David informs me the club are going to run regular trials sessions. Adam used to ride for Onza and had two special bikes made which were approx 960 long. He used these when he was 11 years old. They weighed in about 7.5kg. I know the person who has one and he wants to sell it for £200 ish. let David Johnstone know and he can contact me about it. I'm seeing him this weekend so could try and sort something if your interested.
  9. On the 15th May at Dudwood Farm in Derbyshire the combined BIU British Championship and round 1 of the 2016 BIU European Cup will be held. It is a dual championshipmevent. All uk riders will have the chance to be crowned British Biketrial Champion in their repetitive age category and those with BIU recognised licences can qualify for European Cup points. There will be separate awards for both titles. start time is 10am with 3 laps of 6 sections planned. Entries close on May 6th and entry form / details are available on the BIU page of the Biketrial Federation Webpage. http://www.biketrialuk.co.uk/BIU-2016.html 6 sections of varying sections of varying severity and terrain are planned including a stream section. All will be fully taped and arrowed with full BIU rules applying. All riders will receive a 'goody' bag containing various things from the event sponsors. hopefully we will have good weather and it would be great to have a good turnout of riders both old and new.
  10. None of the entry fee goes to the kids riding the worlds. All self funded
  11. just had a weekend away near Barcelona to get in a full weekend of riding and escape the UK winter weather. Here's a video of Adam enjoying the riding.
  12. Adam headed over to Aywaille in Belgium during the half term holidays to ride on the sections used at the 2015 UCI World Youth Games. https://youtu.be/BhywgkBXG_E
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