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Everything posted by EchoSam

  1. If your not sure phone dan ko (ownr of triasl-uk) up his number is on trials-uk...
  2. Well I would choose try-all as its light and as long as your not a basher it will last. If tarty don't have them in stock try www.trials-uk.com.
  3. Your a dick MiuSliS! Anybody can post videos at any level riding. I throught it was fine i dont really mind about what level the rider is at as long it does not have just sidehops and you had a few lines in there Tom Hill
  4. Train gets in at 11.30 me sam and jack are coming
  5. Buy a set of heatsink yellows work well in any condition. Tom
  6. been in frome at my mums is being sent 2mrw sorry for the delay.

    only just back home.

  7. Meet at big 3 steps near temple meads at 11.00-11.30 sounds good?
  8. Im running 05 magura neon rim medium grind.The brake hold realy well and sounds amazin
  9. I got the heatsnk yellows in cnc backings which are better than the heatsink reds by far
  10. Does anybody how much its cost roughly? train over and back and getting to koxx days?
  11. I think it looks stupid... i hate bikes with bright colour i just like pain silver/white/black bikes.
  12. sunday instead now as poor weather on saturday
  13. I think most of your vidoes are good... but you could get some really big lines in there as you are very good at trials riding.I would love to be as good as you oneday i would not be sticking with the same few moves i would be putting them moves into lines and i think tahst most trials riders lack these days be creative doesnt have to be big lines at first.Look at Rowan johns he is one of the best british trials riders he is loved for his creativity.Rowan doesnt make that many videos as he put effort into his riding thinking of lines.but when he brings a video out everybody loves it.But when you bring out a video you get all these comments like ' seen it all before ' ' it was boring no lines ' and then you get into arguements i think if riders just put a bit more effort and throught into there riding no one would get into arguements.
  14. Here is tom jefferies new bike i am posting on the behalf of him as the idiot got banned.... Spec Echo control 07 long modstock Echo urban 07 forks Front and back maggys in white Vp headset Neon rims rear echo hub front viz Tensile cranks Tensile freewheel Trialtech bars Echo stem Sorry for rubish pics done a phone cant find my camera. Thanks to dan at trials-uk for frame Tom hill
  15. I loved it made everything look effortless
  16. EchoSam

    Pad Reviews

    Pads: Try-all croco Time used: App: 2-3 weeks Rim used: Neon rim Grind: Sharp grind Brake used: hs33 08 What is your opinion of a working brake: Holds on anything and has a bit of noise previous pads you have used: Coust/plaz/heatsink pad/echo/rock pads/kox blue/koxx brown Review: I think the Pads are rubish doesnt hold at all.I set them up square on the rim the magura was brand new from tarty and a fresh grind.
  17. I wouldnt buy a ko they always crack around the brake mount my one did so did mr koxx's and i think kieran whtefields did aswell.
  18. Bike looks shit!! but kitchen looks good
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