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Dan Campbell

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Everything posted by Dan Campbell

  1. Fantastic time today guys, thank you so much to charlie and sue and all the other organisers. I spent most of the day camera in hand (wearing a blue fluffy bunny tshirt mostly) hope we can do it again next year
  2. JURASSIC 5 - World Of Entertainment (W.O.E. Is Me) lyrics .mp3 is that it? no idea about the youtube one though.
  3. Sample shots from flickr this may be helpful I'd imagine @ 16mm it wont be too heavily "fished", looks like a nice lens though.
  4. Is it this? prague arrival? I'd imagine it'll be hard to find as it's part of the film score not really a song. Looks like it's buy-able on the xXx soundtrack though.
  5. Hey Pachuco.mp3 This one? Is it this? Peter Gabriel - I Grieve I Grieve.mp3
  6. that's a bit screwed up but the thing that amused me most was this....
  7. not fantastic but i'm off riding , hope it's good enough for your needs. In the future it makes it easier if the background is a little less busy
  8. might help if you posted a photo? i'll give it a go, got 20 min or so before my food is ready
  9. he he i'm sure the mods'll move it if you ask nicely. looked though the shots properly now, some really nice ones in there, it looks like a great demo. what camera was your g/f using?
  10. looks very cool, did you not plan to put this in riding photos though?
  11. good luck and enjoy . will be interesting to see how you get on.
  12. Ah, i'd be wary of the 10-20 if you're taking photos with people in, it has some distortion at the edges which can be quite unflattering (giant heads/feet etc). BUT it is fantastic for landscapes and such like. Personally I would combine the 10-20 with the 18-50 + possibly a 30 or 50 prime. But that's basically what I have anyway, only my 18-50 is the canon 18-55 kit lens and isn't amazing. The 10-20 is good for landscapes and city stuff also not bad for some sports but it's fairly slow. A fast short zoom with a low f stop all the way through the zoom would be a good idea especially for the wedding where you may not get time to change to the lens you want to use as the moment you're shooting may have come and gone by then. The sigma is aparently very good and I know a few guys on here use them as an all round lens.
  13. The 10-20 is fantastic but it is very very wide, also a zoom. Can you be more specific about your needs? Do you not like the idea of the 18-50? It's about the same price as the 30mm and cheaper than the 10-20.
  14. A prime is not really an ideal all round lens I know you said not zoom but why is that? Something like this: Sigma 18-50mm F/2.8 would be far better in my opinion. The 18mm end will be great for landscapes, urbanscapes and close in sport. The 50mm with F/2.8 will be great for portraits. It's the next lens on my list probably next month i'd imagine. If you really must have a prime then it looks like a great lens I've not used it but if it's anything like my 50mm Canon F/1.8 it'll be great. hope that's of some use.
  15. I'd go along with system restore or XP repair. My last reinstall took about 6 hours and i'm still missing about half the programs I had.
  16. Are you sure performance is back to normal when disconnecting the MAS/MAF? On my old Golf TDi disconnecting the MAS was like removing the turbo, the car was s l o w. As Oli said it's not really good to run them disconnected but saying that mine was disconnected for about a month at one point after the garage forgot to reconnect it. Didn't seem to cause a problem except the lack of power which I put down to being back in the Golf after having a 2.0 306 cab for a week. Get a new one asap though.
  17. wouldn't be "Turn Me On - Kevin Lyttle" ---- this? >> Just realised this is the one from the pool scene or possibly "Everything But The Girl - five fathoms" ---- this one? >> this is from when he chats to Eva Mendez first hits on google....
  18. as has already been said some companies will do but for a small fee. When i cancelled an old policy i got all the complete months back but got only a small amount of the current month. Ask your insurance company when you get quotes.
  19. AOL are awful and useless, use as little of there stuff as possible. and listen to mr Haydon above
  20. I was marking your thread
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