hi there pepole i haven been on here in ages now as i haven had a bike since just before x mas , any way .
i just ordered myself the new onza zoot ,and it came yesterday so i built it up and went 4 a ride
this is the 1st 24 i have ever owend , i have ridden some ispireds ,lesson, old zoot ,and paul olvers custom home made 24!!!!
im not the best rider in the world but the new zoot felt really nice to ride , its got a good stand over posture ,good feel on length and bb rise,
its a little strange to bunny hop at 1st due to its length but its still shorter than the inspired,once u get used to that though its a really nice bike to ride , easly flicked and spun and
on the back wheel.oh and it has a very nice manual spot made me feel like i can actualy manual well lol
any way it was only my 1st ride but if any 1 wants to no any more they can ask away